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Bookshelf Type: All / Fiction / Non-Fiction / Drama / Poetry
Via Roma, traduit de l'anglais par Claude BĂ©land Triptyque, 2018

In the Backyard: Relearning the Art of Aging, Dying and Making Love Guernica Editions, 2018

Là-bas, en Italie Conversations avec ma mère Triptyque

Via Roma Guernica Editions, 2015

Italy Revisited, Conversations with My Mother Guernica Editions, 2009.

Ritorno in Italia conversazioni con mia madre Molise: Iannone Editions, 2012

Foreplay & My Italian Wife, two plays Guernica Editions, 2012

Office Politics. Toronto: Guernica Editions, 1999

Stages, Selected Poems. Toronto: Guernica Editions, 1998

Infertility Rites Guernica Editions, 1991.

Riti di Infertilita [translated into Italian by Silvana Mangione] Iannone Editions, Molise, Italy, 2002.

Les Rites de I'infertilite [translated into French by Jocelyne Doray]. Montreal: Balzac-Le Griot editeur, 1999.

Ubu, the Witch Who Would Be Rich [a fantasy story for children] Toronto: Doubleday Canada, 1994.

Painting Moments, Art, AIDS and Nick Palazzo [Editor]. Guernica Editions, 1998.

A Dialogue with Masks . Oakville [Ont.]: Mosaic Press, 1985.

Sex Therapy , a black comedy in 12 scenes. Guernica Editions, 1996.

A Season in Beware Windsor [Ont.]: Black Moss Press, 1989

A Bride in Three Acts, Guernica Editions, l983.

The O Canada Poems. Brandon [Man.]: Brandon University, 1986.

A Queen Is Holding a Mummified Cat. Guernica Editions, 1982.

The Dance, the Cage and the Horse. Montreal: D Press, 1976.