Italy | Date: Centuries-old | Notes: Italian Proverb or Folk Saying on Nature -- Italy (National)
o in Italian: Le ore del mattino hanno l'oro in bocca.
o in English: The morning hours are the most precious of the day.
| Contributed by: Image courtesy of The Library of Congress #3g04302r
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Italy | Date: Centuries-old | Notes: Proverb or Folk Saying on Nature -- the Weather -- Happiness -- Italy (National)
o in Italian: Sole dopo tempesta mette gli uomini in festa.
o in English: Sunshine after a storm puts people in a festive mood. | Contributed by: Image courtesy of The New York Public Library, Digital Gallery #1259180
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Italy | Date: Centuries-old | Notes: Proverb or Folk Saying on Nature -- Weather -- Traveling -- Italy (National)
o in Italian: Rosso tramonto, bianco mattino -- e la giornata del pellegrino.
o in English: (Literally) Red sunset, white morning -- the day of the pilgrim. (Meaning) When you have a reddish sunset, the next morning is clear and so it's a perfect day to go on a pilgrimage. | Contributed by: Image courtesy of The New York Public Library, Digital Gallery #1258918
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Italy | Date: Centuries-old | Notes: Folk Sayings or Proverbs on Nature -- the Weather -- the Months of the Year -- January -- Italy (National)*
o in Italian: Gennaio fa il peccato -- e maggio ne e incolpare.
o in English: January sins and May is not to blame.
o in Italian: Gennaio porta mille promesse, che da mill'anni son sempre le stesse.
o in English: (Literally) January makes a thousand promises, that for the past 1,000 years have always been the same. (Meaning) Each year January makes a thousand promises, but hasn't kept any of them for a thousand years.
o in Italian: Bello di Gennaio, brutto di Febbraio.
o in English: If January is nice, February will be awful.
o in Italian: Anno nuova, vita nouva.
o in English: New year, new life.
* Contributed by Gemma Forliano | Contributed by: Image courtesy of The New York Public Library, Digital Gallery #1591769
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Italy | Date: Centuries-old | Notes: Folk Sayings or Proverbs on Nature -- the Weather -- the Months of the Year -- February -- Italy (National)*
o in Italian: Bello di Gennaio, brutto di Febbraio.
o in English: If January is nice, February will be awful.
o in Italian: Febbraio e d'ogni mese il piu corto e il men cortese.
o in English: (Literally) February is every month the shortest, and the least courteous. (Equivalent) February is the shortest month of the year, and the least courteous.
o in Italian: Febbraietto, corto e maledetto.
o in English: Little February, short and malicious.
o in Italian: Febbraio nevoso, Maggio gioioso.
o in English: Nervous February, calm March.
o in Italian: Se Febbraio non febbreggia, Marzo matteggia.
o in English: If February doesn't act like February, nor will March.
o in Italian: Il corto febbraro, e mezzo dolce e mezzo amaro.
o in English: A short February, is half sweet and half loving.
o in Italian: Per San Valentino la primavera fa capolino.
o in English: For St. Valentine spring does peek-a-boo.
* Contributed by Gemma Forliano | Contributed by: Image Courtesy of The New York Public Library, Digital Gallery #1596298
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Italy | Date: Centuries-old | Notes: Folk Sayings or Proverbs on Nature -- the Weather -- the Months of the Year -- March -- Italy (National)*
o in Italian: Se marzo ti bagna non sperar gran cuccagna.
o in English: If March gets you all wet, don't expect a lot of merry-making.
o in Italian: Marzo re dei capricci, ogni giorno combina pasticci.
o in English: March is the king of tantrums, everyday he makes a mess.
o in Italian: Marzo tinge, Aprile dipinge.
o in English: March dirties, April cleans up.
o in Italian: Febbraio nevoso, Maggio gioioso.
o in English: Nervous February, calm March.
o in Italian: A marzo taglia e pota, se non vuoi la botte vuota.
o in English: (Literally) In March cut and prune, if you don't want to get hit with nothing. (Equivalent) In March cut and prune, or you'll not have a good harvest.
o in Italian: A marzo il tempo bella -- esigne sciarpa e ombrello.
o in English: March has good weather -- demands shoes and umbrellas.
o in Italian: Se Febbraio non febbreggia, Marzo matteggia.
o in English: If February doesn't act like February, nor will March.
* Contributed by Gemma Forliano | Contributed by: Image courtesy of The New York Public Library, Digital Gallery #1591771
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Italy | Date: Centuries-old | Notes: Folk Sayings or Proverbs on Nature -- the Weather -- the Months of the Year -- April -- Italy (National)*
o in Italian: Marzo tinge, Aprile dipinge.
o in English: March dirties, April cleans up.
o in Italian; A Marzo piove, piove, ad Aprile piove e cessa, a Maggio una buona acqua e la stagione e fatta.
o in English: In March it rains and rains, in April it rains then it stops, in May a nice rain fals and then the season is made.
o in Italian: L'April piovoso, fa il Maggio grazioso.
o in English: A rainy April, makes May grateful.
o in Italian: Aprile, non ti scoprire.
o in English: (Literally) April, don't take your clothes off. (Meaning) It's too cold in April to remove one's winter clothes. Or, it's too early to celebrate.
o in Italian: Aprile freddolino, molto pane e meno vino.
o in English: April a little cold, lots of bread and not much wine.
o in Italian: L'April piovoso, fa il Maggio grazioso.
o in English: A rainy April, makes May grateful. (Equivalent) April showers, May flowers.
o in Italian: Quando aprile tuona e piove porta sempre buone nuove.
o in English: When April thunders and rains, it alwsy brings something new.
o in Italian: Aprile infiora, maggio se ne onora.
o in English: April flowers, May is honored.
o in Italian: Qunado april mette il muso, fuoco acceso e uscio chiuso.
o in English: When April frowns, fires are lit and doors are closed.
* Contributed by Gemma Forliano | Contributed by: Image courtesy of The New York Public Library, Digital Gallery #1591746
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Italy | Date: Centuries-old | Notes: Proverb or Folk Saying on Nature -- The Months of the Year -- Italy (National)*
o in Italian: L'April piovoso, fa il Maggio grazioso.
o in English: A rainy April, makes May grateful.
o in Italian: Gennaio fa il peccato -- e maggio ne e incolpare.
o in English: January sins and May is not to blame.
o in Italian: Maggio regal gelsomini e rose. Allieta i bimbi e le future spose.
o in English: May offers jasmine and roses. It cheers up little children and future brides.
o in Italian: Maggio ortolano, molta paglia, poco grano
o in English: May -- the truck driver, lots of straw, little grain.
o in Italian: Se maggio e scuro, pane sicuro.
o in English: If May is dark, bread for sure. (Meaning) If there is poor weather in May, all there will be to eat is bread and not much else.
o in Italian: Aprile infiora, maggio se ne onora.
o in English: April flowers, May is honored.
* Contributed by Gemma Forliano | Contributed by: Image Courtesy of The New York Public Library, Digital Gallery #1543251
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Italy | Date: Centuries-old | Notes: Italian Proverb or Folk Saying on Nature -- the Weather -- the Months of the Year -- June -- Italy (National)
o in Italian: Giugno tonante, raccolto abbondante.
o in English: Thundering June, abundant harvest.
| Contributed by: Image courtesy of The New York Public Library, Digital Gallery #1596302
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Italy | Date: Centuries-old | Notes: Folk Sayings or Proverbs on Nature -- the Weather -- the Months of the Year -- Italy
o in Italian: Vino bianco e capponi, di liuglio non son buoni.
o in English: White wine and capon, in July are not good.
| Contributed by: Image courtesy of The New York Public Library, Digital Gallery #833458
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