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Cucina Teorico-pratica by Ippolito Cavalcanti (1839)
Originated from: Italy
Occasion: Any time & special times
Contributed by: Courtesy of www.archive.org

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Recipes currently available on www.italyrevisited.org from "Cucina Teorico-Pratica"


o BISCOTTI ALLA PROVENZALE (For recipe see Italy Revisited/Cookies without Nuts)

o BISCOTTI PER LI LIGUORI, cookies served with liqueur, made with eggs, sugar and flour, flavored with citrus fruit zest (for recipe see Italy Revisited/Cookies without Nuts)

o BISCOTTI DI GELSOMMINI (For recipe see Italy Revisited/Cookies without Nuts)

o BISCOTTINI DI CONFETTURE (For recipe see Italy Revisited/CCookies without nuts)

o BISCOTTINI DI MANDORLE DOLCE, sweet almond cookies (for recipe see Italy Revisited/Cookies with Nuts)

o BISCOTTINI DI PISTACCHI (For recipe see Italy Revisited/Cookies with Nuts)

o BISCOTTINI LA SAINT CLOUD, cookies baked in molds, made with rice flour, sugar, eggs and flavored with citrus

o BISCOTTINI ORDINARI, cookies baked in molds, made with starch, sugar and eggs (for recipe see Italy Revisited/Cookies without Nuts)

o CAUZUNCIELLI, fried savory calzone stuffed with eggs and mozzarella (for recipe see Italy Revisited/Calcioni)

o CAUZUNCIELLI DOCE, fried sweet calzone stuffed with ricotta, sugar and egg yolks (for recipe see Italy Revisited/Calcioni)

o CAUSUNCIELLI DE SCAMMARO, fried savory calzone stuffed with Swiss chard, anchovies and onions (for recipe see Italy Revisited/Calcioni)

o GINETTI, tarallini topped with icing sugar (for recipe see Italy Revisited/Taralli Dolci)

o JANCOMAGNA, milk pudding made with egg yolks, milk, starch and sugar, flavored with lemon or orange zest (for recipe see Italy Revisited/Puddings and Creams)

o MOSTACCIOLETTI, spice nut cookies (for recipe see Italy Revisited/Cookies with Nuts)

o MOSTO COTTO, vin cotto rosso and vin cotto bianco (for recipe see Italy Revisited/Jams and Marmalades)

o PASTIERA, sweet ricotta pie using cooked barely, flavored with pistachios and orange zest (for recipe see Italy Revisited/Pies and Tarts)

o PIGNOLATA, Neapolitan pine nut clusters (for recipe see Italy Revisited/Nougats)

o PIZZA DOCE CO LA PASTA NFROLLA, ricotta sweet pie (for recipe see Italy Revisited/Pies and Tarts)

o PIZZA RUSTICA, savory cheese pie using pastry dough (for recipe see Italy Revisited/Pies and Tarts)

o RAFFIOLETTI, small diamond-shaped cookies made with sugar, eggs and starch (for recipe see Italy Revisited/Cookies without Nuts)



The Italian cookbook, "Cucina Teorico-Pratica col corrispondente riposto ed apparecchio di pranzi e cene con quattro analoghi disegni," compiled by Ippolito Cavalcanti and published in Naples by Di G. Palma in 1839 is beautifully put together. Cavalcanti generally provides precise measurements and easy to read directions on how to make the dishes. He also devotes an entire section of the book to recipes specific to Naples, using the local dialect. Why this book is not well-known is a mystery. The book is available for free at www.archive.org....... The following notes are taken from Italian Wikipedia (Machine google translation). BIOGRAPHY: "Ippolito Cavalcanti, Duke of Buonvicino (Afragola , 2 September 1787 - Naples, 5 March 1859 ) was a cook and Italian writer. Descended from an ancient family noble line from which the most famous poet Guido Cavalcanti , a friend of Dante. The family in 1311 he left Tuscany to move to Calabria, where in 1331 Joan I appointed viceroy one of Cavalcanti. In 1795 the family received the title of Duke of Buonvicino . WORKS: His [Ippolito Cavalcanti] treatise Kitchen theoretical practice, published for the first time in Naples in 1837 to which he adds, in the second edition of 1839, the appendix Cusina casarinola in the Neapolitan language, presents numerous recipes of the time, from different social classes. The book had, from 1837 to 1865 nine editions, quite different from each other as they were constantly being expanded by the author. The theoretical and practical kitchen is a compendium of traditional Neapolitan cuisine, some of the recipes are inspired by the French, as the kitchen side of the Alps at the time was very present on the tables of the aristocracy or the upper middle class, the appendix us back instead style cooking in use at the time to the people. The compendium in dialect is of considerable importance from the point of view of history, as they are described in some of the recipes in the most common modern Italian cuisine. There is, for example, the first description of a pasta (vermicelli) topped with tomato. There are many other recipes in these works, and some of them are clearly recognizable traits of what is the modern Neapolitan cuisine, especially Italian and, in general. The following non-exhaustive list: Eggplant Parmigiana, Fried Pizza,Vermicelli with Clams and Vermicelli with Tomato, Fried Codfish, Pasta e Fagioli, Pasta and Peas, Soup Maritata." ORIGINAL ITALIAN TEXT: Ippolito Cavalcanti Da Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera. Ippolito Cavalcanti duca di Buonvicino (Afragola, 2 settembre 1787 ? Napoli, 5 marzo 1859) ? stato un cuoco e letterato italiano....Discendeva da un'antica famiglia nobile dalla quale proveniva il pi? famoso poeta Guido Cavalcanti, amico di Dante. La famiglia nel 1311 lasci? la Toscana per trasferirsi in Calabria, dove nel 1331 Giovanna I nomin? vicer? uno dei Cavalcanti. Nel 1795 la famiglia ricevette il titolo di duca di Buonvicino. Il suo trattato Cucina teorico pratica, pubblicato per la prima volta a Napoli nel 1837 alla quale aggiunge, nella seconda edizione del 1839, l'appendice Cusina casarinola co la lengua napolitana, presenta numerose ricette dell'epoca, provenienti dalle diverse classi sociali. Il libro ebbe, dal 1837 al 1865 nove edizioni, abbastanza diverse fra di loro in quanto venivano continuamente ampliate dall'autore. La Cucina teorico pratica ? un compendio di cucina tradizionale napoletana, alcune delle ricette sono di ispirazione francese, in quanto la cucina d'Oltralpe era all'epoca molto presente sulle mense dell'aristocrazia o dell'alta borghesia, l'appendice ci riporta invece alla cucina casereccia in uso all'epoca presso il popolo. Ricette Il trattato ed il compendio in lingua dialettale, rivestono una notevole importanza anche dal punto di vista storico, poich? in essi vengono descritte alcune delle ricette pi? diffuse nella moderna cucina italiana. Vi si trova, ad esempio, la prima descrizione di una pasta(vermicelli) condita con il pomodoro. Molte altre sono le ricette presenti in queste opere, ed in alcune di esse sono chiaramente riconoscibili i tratti di quella che ? la moderna cucina napoletana, in particolare ed italiana, in generale. Di seguito elenco non esaustivo: Parmigiana di Melanzane, Panzerotto o Pizza Fritta, Vermicelli con le Vongole, Vermicelli con il Pomodoro, Baccal? Fritto, Pasta e Fagioli, Pasta e Piselli, Minestra Maritata.

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