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pies and tarts
Torta Ricciolina
Torta Ricciolina I /Italian tart layered and decorated with home-made noodles, sweet and bitter almonds and candied fruit
Originated from: Italy
Occasion: Any time & special times
Contributed by: Taken from "La Scienza in Cucina e L'Arte di Mangiar Bene" compilato da Pellegrino Artusi (1891, 1907)

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Dough (cut into thin strips of pasta noodles)
2 eggs

120 grams (about 120 grams) sweet almonds with a few bitter almonds, blanched
170 grams (about 6 ounces) powdered sugar
70 grams (about 2-1/3 ounces) candied fruit, cut into small pieces
lemon zest

60 grams butter, butter
For dusting
icing sugar

Original Italian text
Mandorle dolce con tre amare, sbucciate, grammi 120
zucchero in polvere, grammi 170
candito, grammi 70
burro, grammi 60
scorza di limone


Cut dough into strips the same width as the noodles one makes for soup.

Grind almonds, sugar, lemon zest, candied fruit (should have consistency of grains of wheat).

Take an un-greased large round baking pan and place a layer of strips of dough in the middle of it.

Add the filling over it.

Make another layer of strips over some of the filling.

Put more filling, and add another layer of strips of dough.

Repeat until the mixture is 2 inches high.

Pour the melted butter over the cake, using a brush to make sure it is evenly distributed.


While it is still warm dust with icing sugar.

Original Italian text

Intridete due uova di farina e fatene taglierini eguali a quelli piu fini che cuocereste per la minestra nel brodo.

In un angolo della spianatoia fate un monte colie mandorle, collo zucchero, col candito tagliato a pezzetti e colla bucciaq del limone raschiata e questo mondticello di roba, servendovi della lunetta e del matterello, stiacciatelo e tritatelo in modo da ridurlu minuto come i chicchi del grano. Prendete allora una teglia di rame e cosi al naturale, senz ungeria, conminciate a distendere in mezzo alla medesima, si e grande, un suolo di taglierini e conditel cogl ingredienti sopra descritti, distendete un altro suolo di taglierini e conditeliancora, replicado l operazione finche vi resta roba e procurando che la torta risulti rotonda e grossa du dita almeno. Quando sara cosi preparata versatele sopra il burro liquefatto servendovi di un pennello per ungerla bene alla superficie e perche il burro penetri egule in tutte le parti.

Cuocetela in forno e nel forno da campagna; ansi, per risparmia di carbone, puo bastare, il solo coperchio di questo. Spolverizzatela abbandantement dizucchero avelo quando e calda e servitela diaccia.


The recipe in this entry was taken from "La Scienza in Cucina e L'Arte di Mangiar Bene manuale Pratico per le Famiglie" compilato da Pellegrino Artusi. The book was first published in 1891. Since then many Italian editions have been published. Olga Ragusa's selection of recipes from Pellegrino Artusi's famous cookbook, titled "The Italian Cook Book," can be found in its entirety at www.archive.org (It's free). The University of Toronto recently published a new English edition of Pellegrino Artusi's "Science in the Kitchen and the Art of Eating Well"; many of the recipes in this edition can be found at www.books.google.ca.... P.S. I tried this recipe and I found it very difficult to do. Some home cooks decorate the cake with very thin noodles that are curled, but this is tricky as the noodles can easily get burnt. Personal notes and photo: Mary Melfi.

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