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pies and tarts
marzipan puff pastry
Sfogliata di Marzapane (Pellegrino Artusi's marzipan puff pastry tart flavored with candied orange, sweet and bitter almonds)
Originated from: Italy
Occasion: Any time
Contributed by: Taken from "La Scienza in Cucina e L'Arte di Mangiar Bene" compilato da Pellegrino Artusi (1891, 1907)

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Puff pastry dough
200 grams (about 7 ounces) fine flour
150 grams (about 5 1/4 ounces) butter
300 grams (about 10 1/2 ounces) flour
200 grams (about 7 ounces) butter

Marzipan filling
120 grams (about 4 1/4 ounces) sweet almonds and 3 bitter almonds, blanched
100 grams (about 3 1/2 ounces) sugar
15 grams (about 1/2 of an ounce) butter
15 grams (about 1/2 of an ounce) candied orange, cut into small pieces
1 egg yolk
1 tablespoon of water

For egg wash
Egg yolk

For sprinkling
Icing sugar


Marzipan filling

Grind the almonds with the sugar.

Add the candied orange.

Add the butter, egg yolk, and a tablespoon of water and blend well.

Roll out puff pastry.

Cut into two rounds the size of a plate, and make large scallops on the edges.

Spread the marzipan mixture (half an inch thick) on one of the rounds of dough, leaving a border.

Then place the other round of dough on top, pressing the two rounds together at the edges with your finger, which has been dipped in water.

Brush the top pastry crust with egg yolk.



Dust with icing sugar.

Original Italian text

Fate una pasta sfoglia.

Quando e spianata tagliatene due tondi della dimensione di un piatto comune, a grandi smerli sugli orli.

Sopra ad uno di essi, lasciandovi un po di margine, distendete il composto di marzapane, che doverebbe riuscire dell altezza di un centimetro circa; poi soprapponetegli l'atro tondo di pasta sfoglia, attaccandoli insieme sugli orli con un dito intinto nell acqual.

Dorate la superficie della sfogliata col rosso d uovo, cuocetela al forno o al forno da campagna e dopo spolverizzatela di zucchero a velo. Questa dose bastera a sette od otto persone e sentirelte che questo dolce sara molto lodato per la sua delicatezza.


The recipe in this entry was taken from "La Scienza in Cucina e L'Arte di Mangiar Bene manuale Pratico per le Famiglie" compilato da Pellegrino Artusi. The book was first published in 1891. Since then many Italian editions have been published. English translations of this cookbook under the title "Science in the Kitchen and the Art of Eating Well" are available. At www.archive.org Olga Ragusa's selection of recipes from Pellegrino's famous Italian cookbook can be found in its entirety (It's free to download). Her selection entitled, "The Italian Cook Book," was first published in 1945 by S.F. Vanni.... Photo: Mary Melfi.

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