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pies and tarts
Torta Simona
Torta Simona (Crustless apple tart made with bread, eggs and milk)
Originated from: Italy
Occasion: Any time
Contributed by: Taken from "Libro di Cucina" Italian Wikibooks

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2 whole eggs
a pinch of salt
3 or 4 dry bread rolls
grated lemon peel
1 tablespoon of white flour
1 packet of yeast
1 hg (about 3 1/2 ounces) of raisins
150 grams (about 3 1/4 ounces) of sugar
milk (to soak the dry bread rolls in)
3 apples

Ingredienti (Original Italian text)
2 uova intere
un pizzico di sale
tre o quattro panini raffermi
buccia di limone grattuggiata
1 cucchiaio (da minestra) di farina bianca
1 busta di lievito
1 hg di uvetta sultanina
150 gr di zucchero
3 mele


Cut the bread, put it in a bowl and sprinkle with milk.

Leave it to rest for about an hour so that the bread becomes very soft.

Add to soaked bread -- eggs, salt, sugar, a packet of yeast, raisins and if you like, the apples cut into slices.

Butter the pan and pour the batter into it.

Bake everything at 200 degrees Celsius (about 400 degrees F) for about 40 minutes, until the cake appears golden.

Preparazione (Original Italian text)

Tagliare a pezzi il pane, metterlo in un contenitore e cospargerlo di latte.

Lasciarlo a riposo per un ora circa affinch il pane diventi molto morbido.

Aggiungere al pane imbevuto di latte le uova, il sale, lo zucchero, la busta di lievito, l'uvetta sultanina e se si desidera le mele tagliate a fettine.

Imburrare e versare l'impasto nella teglia.

Infornare il tutto a 200 C per circa 40 minuti circa, finch il dolce risulti dorato.


Photo: Mary Melfi.

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