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Sweet Fritters (with egg yolks, cream and breadcrumbs)
Originated from: Italy
Occasion: Special times
Contributed by: Taken from "Italian Cooking" by Dorothy Daly

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2 egg yolks
1 pint cream
2 tablespoons sugar
2 ozs. flour
Semolina (for thickening -- optional)
A little finely chopped candied citron

Oil for greasing plate

For coating
2 egg whites, beaten

Butter for frying

For decoration


"Beat together the egg yolks, cream and sugar until well mixed, blend in the flour and place in a double boiler, cooking till thick and being careful not to allow it to boil, otherwise the egg yolks will curdle.

If the cream does not seem to be thick enough, a little semolina may be added towards the end of the cooking time.

Stir in the citron.

Pour on to a flat plate that has been lightly oiled or greased with butter.

Allow to cool, cut in pieces about two inches square.

Dip in white of egg then in breadcrumbs, fry in butter till golden brown, serve hot, sprinkled with sugar."


This recipe was taken from "Italian Cooking" by Dorothy Daly. It was published by Spring Books in Great Britain. For the complete copyright-free cookbook see www.archive.org..... P.S. I tried this recipe and found it almost impossible to do. According to directions one is supposed to use a double broiler to cook the batter -- the end result should be a thick custard, thick enough so that it can be fried. I had to increase the amount of flour substantially to get it to do this. In any case it was the strangest style of Italian sweet fritter I have ever come across, and would definitely not do it again...... Photo and notes: Mary Melfi.

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