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Zeppoline di San Giuseppe
Zeppoline di San Giuseppe (St. Joseph's Day Sweet Fritters, with yeast and potatoes, with melted chocolate)
Originated from: Sorrento, Campania
Occasion: The Feast Day of Saint Joseph
Contributed by: Mrs. Immacolatina Guida

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For dough
500 grams of flour
4 eggs
50 grams of sugar
about 1 teaspoon sugar
100 grams of butter
Finely grated zest of 1 lemon
25 grams yeast (preferably yeast made from beer)
2 potatoes, boiled, peeled and mashed
1 bag of powdered vanilla, preferably, "Paneangel Aroma per dolci, Vanillina" (If powdered vanilla is unavailable one can substitute 1 teaspoon clear-colored vanilla)

For deep frying
about 2 cups peanut oil

For garnish
Table sugar, or white or dark chocolate, melted


o Prepare the yeast dough.

o Form the dough into a ball and let it rest for about 2 hours.

o Take a chunk of dough and form a taralli-style log about 12 inches long and 1/2 wide, making sure the center of the log is thicker than the ends.

o Make oval-shaped zeppoline by pinching the two ends together.

o Heat up oil.

o Fry the zeppoline in the hot oil, turning the fritters over so that both sides are well-cooked.

o Place the zeppoline on paper towels to usurp excess oil.

o Top the zeppoline with table sugar, or with melted white or dark chocolate.


The zeppoline in this entry were made by Mrs. Immacolatina Guida's daughter, Maria Elisa. Maria Elisa noted that in Sorrento fritters for St. Joseph had to be oval-shaped; if they were round-shaped then they were just regular donuts which could be eaten any old time.... Photo: Mary Melfi.

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