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cookies with nuts
Almond Molisana wedding cookies
Molisani Almond Cookies (using quick and easy method, flourless, with sugar, egg whites and roasted almond flakes)
Originated from: Molise, Italy
Occasion: Weddings
Contributed by: Brigida Cordileone

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2 "large" egg whites
1 cup sugar
1 cup blanched almond flakes, roasted


Line baking sheet with parchment paper.

Roast almond flakes till a golden color.

Preheat oven to 350 F. degrees.

Using an electric blender, beat sugar and egg whites together until mountain peaks form -- about five minutes.

Using a spatula, mix in roasted almond flakes to the beaten egg and sugar mixture.

Drop about a tablespoon of the mixture onto a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.

Bake in the oven (on the middle rack) at 350 F. degrees till done -- about 15 minutes.


The cookies were made by Brigida Cordileone and the photo was taken by Mary Melfi who had the pleasure of eating them at a Montreal event. Brigida Corileone mentioned that these cookies were easy to do; she had no difficulty making these famous traditional Molisani weddding cookies using this particular recipe.

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