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cookies with nuts
Fave dei morti
Fave dei morti (Beans of the dead, almond cookies, shaped like beans, flavored ground almonds, cinnamon and lemon juice)
Originated from: Italy
Occasion: Day of the Dead or All Souls' Day (Nov. 2nd)
Contributed by: Recipe, taken from "Libro di Cucina" Italian Wikibooks; text, Italian Wikipedia

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For 5 persons:
75 grams (about 2 1/2 ounces) almonds
60 grams (about 2 ounces) sugar or glucose
50 grams (about 1 2/3 ounces) of flour
1/2 tablespoon of cinnamon
30 grams (about 1 ounce) of butter
a vial of lemon juice
1 egg
20 grams (about 2/3 of an ounce) of Italian baking powder for sweets (e.g. Paneangeli)
5 grams (about 1/5 of an ounce) vanilla

Egg wash
Egg white, beaten

Ingredienti (Original Italian text)
Per 5 persone:
75g di mandorle
60g di zucchero o di glucosio
50g di farina
1/2 cucchiaio di cannella
30g di burro
una fialetta (al limone)
1 uovo
1 chiara d'uovo
20 g di lievito baching
5 g vaniglia


Finely grind the almonds, and add sugar, flour, cinnamon, butter and half the vial [of lemon juice].

Finish the mixture with the egg so that it becomes homogeneous, obtaining many tiny logs (or "beans") about 1 cm thick and 3 cm long.

Place the logs on a baking pan lined with parchment paper [placing them wide apart as they will increase in volume].

Let the logs cook until they take on a golden color.

CAUTION: During cooking the logs become bigger, and then put them at a certain distance from each other.

Preparazione (Original Italian text)

Triturare le mandorle, e aggiungere lo zucchero, la farina, la cannella, la fialetta e met burro.

Terminare il composto con l'uovo e la chiara, in modo che diventi omogeneo, ricavarne tanti "gnocchetti" spessi 1cm e lunghi 3cm.

Mettere in una teglia la carta forno e disporre i tronchetti.

Lasciarli cuocere finch non assumono un colore dorato.

ATTENZIONE: durante la cottura le fave si ingrandiscono, quindi metterle a una certa distanza l'una dall'altra.


The following text comes from the Italian Wikipedia (Google machine translation): "General: It is a tradition in Europe and especially in Italy prepare special sweets in the days near the November 2, which is often brought in the name of this event or the shape and texture to a bone. Another reference to the applicant's fingers of the hands, while the cake shaped like a horse is probably linked to the legend of Persephone. Even today in some countries of Italy, on the night between 1 and 2 November, themselves these cakes on dinner tables, sure to be visited by their dead. Composition. The sweets of the dead contain simple ingredients such as flour , eggs , sugar and flavoring and often are almonds finely ground or sometimes even chocolate, jam and candied fruit. These are sweet, with a few variations, such as home adaptations, trade or pastry almost everywhere in the Italian peninsula and the names given are similar from North to South, leaving the dialectal forms. Types: Biscuits "Fave dead", "beans of the dead" or "sweet beans" pastries almond , egg-shaped and flattened and sprinkled with sugar icing; look like a macaroon , but have a greater consistency (Emilia-Romagna, Lazio, Lombardy, Marche and Umbria). Different, but still made ​​from almonds, are the "beans of the dead" has a bit all over the Northeast, but especially in Veneto, in Trieste and Friuli , are of three colors (cream, brown and pink) and vary from crunchy to soft (Triestine beans). Bones of the dead, sometimes "bones to chew" italianizzando the Piedmont "bones of mort" biscuits hard consistency, with almonds and egg 's egg (Piedmont and Lombardy). "Bones of the dead" cookies shaped oblong (Veneto), sometimes covered with chocolate (Sicily). In Sicily, according to the original version, the "dead bones" are very dry texture and white and brown. With sugar, flour, egg white and water cloves are also called "Paste Carnation". Very often confused with "Mustazzola", which, however, are made ​​with a mixture of honey and spices, such as cloves. The "dead bones" are also present in Siena , with origin in Montepulciano. Of crumbly texture and round in shape, are mixed with the almonds chopped. Derivatives of bread "Horses" bread large, shaped like a horse (Trentino-Alto Adige). "The hands "bread round with two hands coming together (Sicily). "Bread of the Dead ": small buns, made ​​with crushed biscuits, stuffed with candied fruit and packaged wafers (Lombardy). Derivatives of marzipan. Fruit Martorana "Fingers of apostle" cake shaped like a hand , made ​​with pasta and egg filled with mousse of cheese and cream , pastry typical Sicilian. Martorana fruit , reproductions of fruit with almond flour and sugar. Variants of nougat "Torrone of the dead" in the tradition of Neapolitan cuisine, are nougat soft on the size of 50-70 cm, sold in pieces. Unlike the nougat classic, not based on honey , but cocoa , and are prepared in various flavors with nuts or dried and candied fruit, but also coffee , or other flavors yet. Other. Sugar dolls (or in Sicilian pupaccena , puppets re Zuccaro) in the Sicilian tradition , these statuettes colored sugar, reproducing paladins or generic male and female figures (the dead, the ancestors of the family). "The colva" sweet Puglia that prepares the Nov. 2 in Italy, Barletta and Bitonto , made ​​with cooked wheat, raisins, chopped walnuts and almonds, dried figs into small pieces, flakes of chocolate fudge, pomegranate seeds, sugar and vincotto. "The fanfullicche" sweet Lecce's own November 2. It is usually flavored candy canes shaped twisted.................... Original Italian Text: "Dolci dei morti Da Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera. (Reindirizzamento da Fave dei morti) Le fave dei morti di Perugia I dolci dei morti sono dei preparati, quasi sempre biscotti, realizzati in occasione della Commemorazione dei Defunti. E tradizione in Europa e soprattutto in Italia allestire dolci particolari nei giorni a ridosso del 2 novembre, che spesso ricordano nel nome questa ricorrenza o nella forma e consistenza quella di un osso. Altro riferimento ricorrente ? alle dita delle mani, mentre il dolce a forma di cavallo ? probabilmente legato alla leggenda di Proserpina. Ancora oggi in alcuni paesi d'Italia, la notte tra l'1 ed il 2 novembre, si pongono questi dolci su tavole imbandite, sicuri che verranno frequentate dai propri defunti. Composizione: I dolci dei morti contengono ingredienti semplici come farina, uova, zucchero ed aromatizzanti; spesso sono presenti mandorle finemente triturate o talvolta anche cioccolato, marmellata e frutta candita. Diffusione: Tali dolci sono presenti, con poche varianti, come preparazioni casalinghe, artigianali o di pasticceria quasi ovunque nella penisola italiana ed i nomi attribuiti sono similari da Nord a Sud, tralasciando le forme dialettali. Tipologie Biscotti "Fave da morto", "fave dei morti" o "fave dolci": pasticcini alla mandorla, di forma ovoidale e schiacciata, cosparsi di zucchero a velo; hanno l'aspetto di un amaretto, ma presentano una consistenza maggiore (Emilia-Romagna, Lazio, Lombardia, Marche ed Umbria). Differenti, seppur sempre a base di mandorla, sono le "Favette dei Morti", presenti un po' in tutto il Nord-est, ma soprattutto in Veneto, a Trieste e in Friuli, sono di tre colori (panna, marroni e rosa) e variano dal croccante al morbido (Favette Triestine). Ossa di morto, talvolta "ossa da mordere" italianizzando il piemontese "ossa d'mort": biscotti di consistenza dura, con mandorle ed albume d'uovo (Piemonte e Lombardia). "Ossa di morto": biscotti dalla forma oblunga (Veneto), talvolta ricoperti da cioccolato (Sicilia). In Sicilia, secondo la versione originaria, le "Ossa di morto" sono di consistenza molto secca e di colore bianco e marrone. Con zucchero, farina, albume e acqua di chiodi di garofano, vengono chiamate anche " Paste di Garofano". Molto spesso confuse con le " Mustazzola", le quali,invece, sono fatte con un impasto di miele e spezie, come il chiodo di garofano. Le "Ossa di morto" sono presenti anche nel Senese, con origine a Montepulciano. Di consistenza friabile e di forma rotonda, sono impastati con le mandorle tritate. Derivati del pane "I cavalli": pane di grandi dimensioni, a forma di cavallo (Trentino-Alto Adige). "La mani": pane a forma circolare con due mani che si uniscono (Sicilia). "Pane dei morti": piccoli panini dolci, a base di biscotti sbriciolati, ripieni di frutta candita e confezionati su ostie (Lombardia). Derivati del marzapane. Frutta di Martorana "Dita di apostolo": dolce a forma di mano, a base di pasta all'uovo e riempito di mousse di ricotta e panna, tipico della pasticceria siciliana. Frutta di Martorana, riproduzioni di frutta con farina di mandorle e zucchero. Varianti del torrone "Torrone dei morti": presenti nella tradizione culinaria napoletana, sono torroni morbidi dalle dimensioni di 50-70 cm, venduti a pezzi. A differenza del torrone classico, non sono a base di miele, ma di cacao, e sono preparati in vari gusti, con nocciole o frutta secca e candita, ma anche al caff?, o altri gusti ancora. Altro upi di zucchero (o, in siciliano: pupaccena, pupi ri zuccaro): presenti nella tradizione siciliana, si tratta di statuette di zucchero colorato, riproducenti paladini o generiche figure maschili e femminili (i morti, gli antenati della famiglia). "La colva", dolce pugliese che si prepara il 2 novembre a Foggia, Barletta e Bitonto, fatto con grano cotto, uva sultanina, noci e mandorle tritate, fichi secchi a pezzetti, scaglie di cioccolato fondente, chicchi di melagrana, zucchero e vincotto. "Le fanfullicche", dolce leccese proprio del 2 novembre. Si tratta di bastoncini di zucchero aromatizzati normalmente dalla forma attorcigliata. ..................ALL SOULS' DAY: Da Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera. In molti modi le comunite parrocchiali esprimono questo senso della speranza cristiana. Per la commemorazione di tutti i fedeli defunti consuetudine andare in processione al Cimitero e in tale occasione benedire le tombe. In questa o simili circostanze opportuno promuovere una celebrazione con un apposito rito di benedizione. (dal Rituale Romano, parte III, capitolo 54, Benedizione delle Tombe nella Commemorazione dei Fedeli Defunti) Commemorazione dei defunti Tipo di festa religiosa Data 2 novembre Religione Cattolicesimo Avvenimento celebrato Commemorazione dei defunti Tradizioni Visita dei cimiteri, tradizioni locali Tradizioni culinarie Dolci dei morti Questo box: vedi disc. mod. La Commemorazione dei defunti (in latino Commemoratio Omnium Fidelium Defunctorum, ossia Commemorazione di Tutti i Fedeli Defunti), una ricorrenza della Chiesa cattolica. Era anticamente preceduta da una Novena e celebrata il 2 novembre di ogni anno. Nel calendario liturgico segue la festiviti di Ognissanti, che ricorre infatti il 1 novembre. Nella forma straordinaria del rito romano era previsto che nel caso in cui il 2 novembre cadesse di domenica, la ricorrenza sarebbe stata celebrata il giorno successivo, luned? 3 novembre. In Italia, bench? molti lo considerino come un giorno festivo, la ricorrenza non mai stata ufficialmente istituita come festiviti civile. Storia L'idea di commemorare i defunti in suffragio nasce su ispirazione di un rito bizantino che celebrava infatti tutti i morti, il sabato prima della domenica di Sessagesima - cos? chiamata prima della riforma liturgica del Concilio Vaticano II - , ossia la domenica che precede di due settimane l'inizio della quaresima, all'incirca in un periodo compreso fra la fine di gennaio ed il mese di febbraio. Nella chiesa latina il rito viene fatto risalire all'abate benedettino sant'Odilone di Cluny nel 998: con la riforma cluniacense stabil? infatti che le campane dell'abbazia fossero fatte suonare con rintocchi funebri dopo i vespri del 1 novembre per celebrare i defunti, ed il giorno dopo l'eucaristia sarebbe stata offerta "pro requie omnium defunctorum"; successivamente il rito venne esteso a tutta la Chiesa Cattolica. Ufficialmente la festiviti, chiamata originariamente Anniversarium Omnium Animarum, appare per la prima volta nell'Ordo Romanus del XIV secolo. Arte.................. ALL SOULS DAY/ FEAST DAY OF THE DEAD Commemoration of the Dead From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. 1563. In many ways the parish communities express this sense of Christian hope. For the commemoration of all the faithful departed is customary to go in procession to the cemetery and on this occasion to bless the graves. In this or similar circumstances should be promoted as a celebration with a special rite of blessing. "(from the Roman Ritual , Part III, Chapter 54, Blessing of Graves in Commemoration of the Faithful Departed ) Commemoration of the Dead Type of holiday religious Date November 2 Religion Catholicism Event celebrated Commemoration of the Dead Traditions Visit the cemeteries , local traditions Culinary Traditions Sweets of the dead This box: view disc. mod. The Souls (in Latin Commemoratio Omnium Fidelium Defunctorum, ie Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed), is a celebration of the Catholic Church . It was originally preceded by a Novena and celebrated on November 2 of each year. In the liturgical calendar follows the feast of All Saints' Day, which falls in fact the 1 November. In the extraordinary form of the Roman rite was expected that if the November 2 fell on a Sunday , the anniversary would be celebrated the next day, Monday, November 3. In Italy , although many consider it as a public holiday, the celebration has never been officially established as a holiday calendar. The idea of commemorating the dead in memory of inspiration born of a Byzantine rite celebrated fact that all the dead, the Saturday before the Sunday Sexagesima - so called before the liturgical reform of the Second Vatican Council - ie the Sunday before two weeks of the beginning of Lent, a period roughly between the end of January and the month of February. In the Latin Church the rite is traced back to the Benedictine abbot of Cluny sant'Odilone in 998 : the Cluniac reform established fact that the bells of the abbey were done playing with tolling funeral after the vespers of November 1st to celebrate the dead, and the day after the Eucharist was offered "pro omnium defunctorum rest" , after which the ceremony was extended to the whole Catholic Church. Officially, the festival, originally called Anniversarium Omnium Animarum , appears for the first time in the ' Ordo Romanus of the fourteenth century . Arts Day of the Dead, of Bouguereau , 1859. At the Memorial are dedicated several works, among which the most famous is Le jour des morts (Day of the Dead ) of William-Adolphe Bouguereau, oil on canvas created in 1859 and now on display at the Muse des Beaux-Arts of Bordeaux, in France. Traditions In the countries of Central America. In the countries of Central America is customary, in addition to visiting the cemeteries, decorate the graves with flowers, as well as deposit on the same toys (in the case in which the deceased is a child) or alcohol. In Mexico , in some homes, it is still customary to prepare the altar of the dead : this product is enriched with pictures of the deceased, a cross, a bow and incense. This is because the popular belief thinks that, during this day, the spirit of the dead come to find their loved ones. This altar serve to facilitate this return. In the Philippines In this Asian country it is customary to decorate the graves of their loved ones, as well as offer prayers for the dead. In Hungary In Hungary orphans are invited to spend the day with family. At the end we give away their toys and sweets. In Italy It is customary on the day dedicated to the memory of the dead visit the cemeteries and bring in local gift flowers on the graves of loved ones. In many places, Italian is the widespread custom of preparing some sweets, called it sweet of the dead, to celebrate the day. In Sicily during the night of All Saints' belief has it that the deceased family leave gifts for the children along with the Martorana fruit and other sweets. In the province of Massa Carrara the day is the occasion of the well of the dead, with whom he originally left a legacy to the extinct family honor to distribute food to the needy, and those who owned a winery offered everyone a glass of wine, the children also was put around his neck the string , a necklace made ​​of apples and boiled chestnuts. In the area of Monte Argentario was a tradition of sewing large pockets on the front of the clothing of orphans, so that everyone could put something on offer, food or money. There was also the custom of putting small shoes on the graves of deceased infants because it was believed that on the night of November 2 their souls (those angels ) to come back among the living. In the communities of ' Southern Italy of the ' Eparchy of Lungro and of ' Eparchy of Piana degli Albanesi we commemorate the dead according to the tradition of Eastern rite greek-byzantine . The celebrations are carried out in the weeks preceding Lent. According to the traditional culture of many Italian cities, the night of the Day of the Dead souls of the dead would come back from the dead by making processions through the streets of the village. In some areas, according to what happens in the English-speaking world on the occasion of the festival of Halloween , it was tradition to dig and then carve pumpkins and put a candle inside to use as lanterns." Photo: Italian Wikipedia.

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