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cookies with nuts
tozzetti cookies
Tozzetti (Italian chocolate almond Easter cookie slices, made with yeast, flavored with lemon and raisins)
Originated from: Umbria, Italy
Occasion: Easter
Contributed by: Taken from "Libro di Cucina" Italian Wikibooks; photo: Mary Melfi

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for 6 people
6 eggs
2 hg lard
5 hg of dark chocolate of which: 2 and 3 hg chopped into small pieces
5 hg of sugar
3 hg almonds
50 g of yeast
1 kg of flour
Grated zest of 1 lemon

Ingredienti (Original Italian text)
per 6 persone
6 uova
2 hg di strutto
5 hg di cioccolato fondente di cui: 2 hg tritato e 3 hg a pezzetti
5 hg di zucchero
3 hg di mandorle
50 g di lievito di birra
1 kg di farina
1 limone grattugiato


Prepare the pastry on wooden board -- place the flour in a fountain, add the eggs and lard.

Mix the ingredients and add the almonds, raisins and chocolate, some chopped to pieces.

Mix the ingredients and work into a dough.

Form a large dumpling; bake for 30 minutes.

Allow to cool for 5 minutes and cut into thick strips.


Preparare la spianatoia in legno e posarvi sopra la farina disposta a fontana; aggiungere le uova e lo strutto. Mescolare l'ingredienti e aggiungere le mandorle, l'uvetta e la cioccolata, sia quella tritata sia quella a pezzi. Amalgamare e con l'impasto formare un grande gnocco, infornare per 30 minuti.

Lasciarlo raffreddare per 5 minuti e tagliare a strisce spesse.


Recipe, Wikibooks. Photo: Mary Melfi.

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