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cookies with nuts
Neapolitan Sandwiches
Neapolitan Sandwiches (Four-layered decorative sandwich, using bread, filled with honey, cherries and pistachio nuts)
Originated from: Naples, Campania, Italy
Occasion: Any time
Contributed by: Taken from "Foods of the Foreign-born in Relation to Health" by Bertha M. Wood (1922)

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3 tablespoons of blanched pistachio nuts, ground or chopped very fine
3 tablespoons of cherries, cut into tiny pieces
Melted fondant


Grind three tablespoons of blanched pistachio nuts to a paste, or chop very fine.

Cut three tablespoons of cherries into tiny pieces and mix with a soft icing, honey and melted fondant, to make a consistency fit for spreading.

Butter four good slices of bread.

Spread the nuts over one slice, some jam on the next, and cherries on thin slice on top.

With a sharp knife cut down through the center, making the slices one-quarter of an inch thick, each of which shows the layer of color.

A sandwich similar to this may be made of brown and white bread, alternating the colors.

Any filling to suit the taste may be used.


The recipe in this entry was taken from "Foods of the Foreign-Born in Relation to Health" by Bertha M. Wood. The book was published in Boston by Whitcomb & Barrows in 1922. The complete copyright-free book is available at www.archive.org.... Photo: Mary Melfi.

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