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cookies with nuts
almond and pine seed biscotti
Crispy Cookies (Italian almond biscotti, made with flour, butter, pine seeds and anise)
Originated from: Italy
Occasion: Any time & special times
Contributed by: Taken from "The Italian Cook Book" by Pellegrino Artusi (S.F. Vanni, 1945)

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Flour, 17 ounces
Confectionery sugar, 8 ounces (or less)
Eggs, 5
Sweet almonds, whole and peeled mixed with some pine seeds, 4 ounces
Butter, 1 1/2 ounces
A pinch of anise
A pinch of salt


Put aside the almonds and pine-seeds (pinoli) and mix all the other ingredients with four eggs.

Keep the other egg to soften the compound in case it is hard.

Make four rolls out of the mixture, about 1/2 inch thick and four inches wide.

Place them in a baking dish smeared with butter, spray them with flour and gild the top with egg-yolk.

Place in the oven, but do not bake too well.

The following day cut them into slices, as the crust will have softened.

Put the slices in the oven for a short time and remove them from the dish.

The cookies will be crispy and delicious.


This recipe (#327) was taken from "The Italian Cook Book" adapted from the Italian of Pellegrino Artusi by Olga Ragusa. It was published by S.F. Vanni in New York in 1945. For the complete copyright cook book see www.archive.org. Photo: Mary Melfi.

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