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cookies with nuts
Biscotti di Mandorle di Chiara (Italian almond biscotti, using vegetable oil, flavored with orange zest)
Originated from: Italy
Occasion: Any time
Contributed by: Anna-Maria Benvenuto

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3 eggs
1 orange, zest and juice
1 cup vegetable oil
1 cup sugar
1 cup roasted almonds, cut in half
2 tablespoons Magic baking powder
Flour as much as is needed
Original Italian Text
Taliore le mandorle, 1/2. Farine come la pizza. Lavarore bene. Forno 350. 20 minuti. Colore poi toliare 2 pesetti. Poi arostire ancore.


Preheat oven to 350 F degrees.

Mix dry ingredients with wet ones, slowly adding enough flour to make a biscotti-style mixture.

Divide dough into two.

Form biscotti-style logs and place them on cookie sheets, lined with parchment paper. Alternatively, place the mixture in well-greased biscotti-friendly baking pans.

Bake for about 20 minutes.



Place the slices on cookie sheets, lined with parchment paper, and re-bake for another 5 minutes or so.


Mrs. Anna-Maria Benvenuto has collected hundreds of recipes from relatives, friends and neighbors over the years. She recorded the recipes in Italian in numerous notebooks, often naming the recipe after the person who gave it to her (The one in this entry was provided to her by her friend, Chiara). Being an avid baker Mrs. Benvenuto tried out many of the recipes herself. Because of her talent and expertise, she did not feel the need to write detailed instructions as she knew how to make the recipes without them. However, when asked by this website's archivist (Mary Melfi) for details, she quickly volunteered the information. Nonetheless, as with most first generation Italian-Canadian handwritten recipes, it is understood that whoever attempts to duplicate them should have some knowledge of what they are doing (Easier said than done).... While Mrs. Benvenuto was born in the Veneto region (in 1938) and has a natural fondness for recipes that come from this area, she found that as soon as she immigrated to Montreal, Quebec in 1952 she developed an instant appreciation for all foods from her homeland.... Photo and English translation of original Italian text: Mary Melfi.

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