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offelle di marmellata
Offelle di Marmellata (Baked pastry envelops filled with red apples and candied fruit, flavored with cinnamon)
Originated from: Italy
Occasion: Any time & special times
Contributed by: Taken from "La Scienza in Cucina e L'Arte di Mangiar Bene" compilato da Pellegrino Artusi (1891, 1907)

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Pasta Frolla/Shortcrust pastry dough

Version A
500 grams (about 16 ounces) flour
220 grams (about 7 3/4 ounces) white sugar
180 grams (about 6 1/3 ounces) butter
70 grams (about 2 1/2 ounces) lard
2 whole eggs and 1 egg yolk

Version B
250 grams (about 8 3/4 ounces) flour
125 grams (about 4 1/4 ounces) butter
110 grams (about 3 4/5 ounces) white sugar
1 whole egg and one yolk

Version C
270 grams (about 9 1/2 ounces) flour
115 grams (about 4 ounces) sugar
90 grams (about 3 ounces) butter
45 grams (about 1 1/2 ounces) lard
4 egg yolks
orange zest

For filling
To cook apples
500 grams (about 16 ounces) red apples, cored, peeled and sliced thinly
2 glasses (about 12 ounces) of water (more if needed)

For flavoring
125 grams (about 4 1/4 ounces) powdered sugar(more if needed)
30 grams (about 1 ounce) candied fruit, chopped into small pieces
2 teaspoons cinnamon powder

Egg wash
Egg yolk

For decoration
Confectioners' sugar [Icing sugar]

Original Italian Text for pastry stuffing
Mele rose, grammi 500
Zucchero in polvere, grammi 125
CAndito, grammi 30
Cannella in polvere, due cucchiaini

Original Italian Text
Ricetta A.
farina, grammi 500
Zucchero bianco, grammi 220
Burro, grammi 180
Lardo, grammi 70
Uova intere N. 2 e un torlo

Ricetta B
Fraina, grammi 250
Burro, grammi 125
Zucchero bianco, grammi 110
Uova intere, N. 1 e un torlo

Riceta C
Farina, grammi 270
zucchero, grammi 114
Burro, grammi 90
Lardo, grammi 45
Rossi d'uovo, N. 4
Odore di scorza di arancio


Pasta Frolla/Short Crust Pastry Dough

Here are 3 different recipes for short crust pastry dough. Choose the one that best suits your needs, but I [Pellegrino Artusi] recommend Version C as it the best, especially for pies.

To make short pastry without going nuts, grind the sugar very fine or use confections' sugar and blend it with the flour. Also, you can add a touch of white wine or Marsala which will help make the dough more malleable.

Make the butter soft, by working it with your hands.

To make the dough, handle it as little as possible, as over-handling will harden it, use a knife at the beginning to cut the ingredients into the dough.

You can make the dough a day before, as the a rested dough will be have a lighter taste after it is baked.

Offelle di Marmellata

The word "offella" comes from the dialect of Romagna, but might also be from Lombard....

Quarter the apples, peel and core, and cut into thin slices.

As red apples have a hard flesh, they need to be cooked in water, add more water if they need to cook for a long time, and break them up with a spoon.

When the apples are mushy, add the sugar. Taste it and see if it needs more sugar.

Add the candied fruit, chopped into small pieces.

Flavor with cinnamon.

To make the pastries

Spread out the short crust dough until it's the thickness of a coin.

Cut with a round pastry cutter with a scalloped edge [about 3 inches rounds, diagram given in book].

Place the apple mixture in the middle of one disk, and top with the other, press together, moisten the edges if they don't stick together.

Brush the top disk with egg yolk and bake.

Dust with confections' sugar.

Original Italian Text

Tagliate le mele in quattro spicchi, sbucciateli e levate loro la loggia del torsolo. Tagliate questi spiechi a fette piu sottili che potete e ponetele al fuoco in una cazzaruola con due bicchieri d'acqua spezzeitandole col mestolo. Queste mele sono di pasta dura e per cuocerle hanno bisogno d'acqua, ansi, se bollendo rimanessero troppo asciutte, aggiungetene dell altra. Aspettate che sieno spappolate per gettarvi lo succhero e poi assaggiate se il dolce e giusto, perche le frutta in genere, a seconda della maturita, possono essre piu ameno acide. Per ultimo aggiungele il candito a piccoli pezzettini e la cannella.

Servitevi della pasta frollo nel quantitativo della ricetta distendelela col matterello all grossezza di uno scudo e tagliatela collo stampo rotondo e smerlato come quello segnato qui soproa; un disco sotto e uno disco sopra, quest ultimo tirato col matterello rigato, e in mezzo la marmellata, umettando gli orli peche si attacchino. Dorate le offelle col rosso d'uovo e mandatele al forno, spolverizzandole dopo di zucchero a velo.

Original Italian Text for Pasta Frolla

Se volete tirar la pasta frolla senza impasszamento, lo zucchero pestaatelofinissimo (io mi servo della zucchero a velo) e mescolatelo alla farina; e il burro, se e sodo, rendelo pastoso lavorandolo prima, con una mano bagnata, sulla spianatoia. Il lardo, ossia strutto, badate che non sappia di rancido. Fate di tutto un pastone maneggiandolo il meno possible, che altrimenti vi si orucia, come dicono i cuochi; percio per intriderla, meglio eil servirsi da principio della lama di un coltello. Se vi tornasse comodo fate pure un giorno avanti questa pasta, la quale cruda, non soffre, e cotta migliora col tempo perche frolla sempre di piu. Nel servirvene per pasticci, crostate, lorte, ecc. assottigliatela da prima col inatterello liscio e dopo, per piu bellezza, lavorale con quello rigato la parte che deve stare di sopra, dorandola col rosso d'uovo. Se vi servile dello zucchero a velo la tirerete meglio. Per lavorarla meno, se in ultimo restano del pastelli, uniteli insieme con un gocciolo di vine bianco e di marsala, il quale serve anche a rendere la pasta piu frolla.


The recipe in this entry was taken from "La Scienza in Cucina e L'Arte di Mangiar Bene manuale Pratico per le Famiglie" compilato da Pellegrino Artusi. The book was first published in 1891. Since then many Italian editions have been published. Olga Ragusa's selection of recipes from Pellegrino Artusi's famous cookbook, titled "The Italian Cook Book," can be found in its entirety at www.archive.org (It's free). The University of Toronto recently published a new English edition of Pellegrino Artusi's "Science in the Kitchen and the Art of Eating Well"; many of the recipes in this edition can be found at www.books.google.ca.... Photo: Mary Melfi.

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