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Pizza di Scammero
Pizza di Scammero (Pizza stuffed with endives, capers, anchovy fillets and raisins)
Originated from: Italy
Occasion: Any time
Contributed by: Adapted from "The Talisman Italian Cook Book" by Ada Boni, translated by Matilde Pei (1950)

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For dough
4 2/3 cups flour, sifted
2 tablespoons lard
1/8 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon pepper
1 1/4 packets yeast
1 1/8 cups warm water

For stuffing
2 heads endive, cleaned, shredded and parboiled
2 1/2 tablespoons olive oil
2 cloves garlic
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon pepper
1 tablespoon olive oil

1 1/2 tablespoons capers
6 anchovy fillets, cut into pieces
5 black olives, pitted and cut into pieces
1 tablespoon raisins


Place flour on pastry board, add lard, salt, pepper, yeast and warm water and work well until smooth.

Place in large pan, cover and let rise in warm place 2 hours, or until doubled in bulk.

Place endive in pan with oil, garlic, salt and pepper and cook 15 minutes. Remove garlic and let endive cool.

When dough is ready, return it to floured board and pound it lightly to deflate it.

Divide it into 2 pieces and spred out 1 piece over bottom of an oiled, 12-inch earthen pie plate.

Place endive over dough in pie plate, leaving clear a 1-inch border all around.

On the endive place capers, anchovies, olives and raisins and cover with the other piece of dough, pressing carefully around edges to make sure filling is closed in well.

Cut off excess dough around edges with knife.

Place casserole in moderate oven (375 degrees F.) for 45 minutes.

Let cool and serve.

Serves 6.


The recipe in this entry was adapted from one in "The Talisman Italian Cook Book" by Ada Boni, translated and augmented by Matilde Pei. The original cook book, an Italian classic, was published in 1929 in Italy. The translation was published in 1950....The translation was published in 1950.... P.S. I tried out the bread dough recipe and found the amount of water and lard recommended insufficient to make a dough of the right consistency. Notes and photo of store-bought stuffed pizza and notes: Mary Melfi.

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