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Cuisine of Molise -- Specialty Dishes from the City of Termoli
Originated from: Termoli, Campobasso, Molise
Occasion: Special Times
Contributed by: Text, Italian Wikipedia; Google machine translation; Image, NYPL, Digital Gallery #828176

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from Italian Wikipedia "Termoli"

o Brodetto di pesce detto U' Bredette, piuttosto diluito rispetto al brodetto alla vastese
o Brodetto di Termoli
o Frettate chi lecette (lett.: "frittata con alici")
o Rag? con cozze ripiene, Secce e p'sille (lett.: "Seppie e piselli")
o Pane cutte e fojje (lett.: "pane cotto con foglie" ven
o Pappone.
o Pesce fe'jute (lett.: "Il pesce fuggito")
o Pulepe 'npregatorie (lett.: "polpi in purgatorio")
o Scr'ppell
o Scescille

Original text as it appeared in Italian Wikipedia (Termoli/Gastronomia)
"La gastronomia tipica termolese ? caratterizzata dai prodotti ittici. La pietanza rinomata ? il brodetto di pesce detto U' Bredette, piuttosto diluito rispetto al brodetto alla vastese. Altre specialit? tipiche della citt? sono: le Scr'ppell, i Pulepe 'npregatorie (lett.: "polpi in purgatorio"), 'A frettate chi lecette (lett.: "frittata con alici"), il Rag? con cozze ripiene, Secce e p'sille (lett.: "Seppie e piselli"), Pane cutte e fojje (lett.: "pane cotto con foglie"; vengono usate in particolare quelle di rapa), 'U pesce fe'jute (lett.: "Il pesce fuggito"), 'U scescille e U' pappone."


Google machine translation of Italian Wikipedia text

"The typical termolese gastronomy is characterized by seafood. The popular dish is the fish soup called U 'Bredette, rather than to dilute the soup Vastese. Other specialties of the city are: Scr'ppell, the Pulepe 'npregatorie (lit.: "octopus in purgatory"),' A fast lecette chi (lit.: "omelette with anchovies), the Rag? stuffed with mussels, Dry and p'sille (lit.: "cuttlefish and peas"), Bread and cutte fojje (lit. "bread cooked with leaves" are used in particular those of turnip), 'U fe'jute fish (lit. " the fish fled "), 'scescille U and U' pappone."


Other dishes associated with Termoli from other sources other than Wikipedia include:

o Spaghetti with cuttlefish

o Pentolata, soup made with red mullet


Additions and/or corrections are welcomed... For the history, culture and places of interest to visit in the province of Campobasso, Molise see Italy Revisited -- "Molise Campobasso." For the history, culture and places of interest to visit in the Town of Casacalenda, Molise see Italy Revisited -- "Molise Casacalenda." For the history, culture and places of interest to visit in the province of Isernia, Molise see Italy Revisited -- "Molise Isernia."

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