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X X List of Traditional Foods from Molise
Cuicina Molisana -- San Giuseppe -- Meals -- Notes
Originated from: Molise
Occasion: St. Joseph's Feast Day (March 19th)
Contributed by: Text from Giovanni Doganieri's Il Colore del Molise; Image, Wikipedia; Machine translation, Google

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Il Colore del Molise -- Giovanni Doganieri [English translation follows]*

"La festa di San Giuseppe a particolarmente sentita a Casacalenda dove si cantano le litanie davanti agli altarini allestiti nelle case, si effettua la distribuzione del pane benedetto e si svolge il pranzo a base delle tradizionali tredici pietanze di magro che corrispondono ai tredici privilegi di San Giuseppe. Durante il banchetto atti e gesti rispecchiano un vero rito religioso. E' evidente la componente augurale di donare non per elemosina e di ricevere non per fame. Anche a San Giuseppe si accendono i falo con la distribuzione delle "zeppole" durante i canti e i tradizionali "girotondi" intorno ai fuochi."

* The text was first published in a tourist brochure, entitled, "Il Colore del Molise," written in Italian by Giovanni Doganieri.


Google machine translation:

"The feast of St. Joseph is particularly acute in Casacalenda where litanies are sung before the [St. Joseph] altars [that are] set up in homes, it makes [for] the

distribution of blessed bread, and dinner is held at the basis of thirteen traditional dishes that lean to the thirteen privileges of St. Joseph. During the banquet, acts and gestures reflect a religious rite. Its obvious component wishing to donate to charity and receive no starvation. Even on St. Joseph, [one] lights the bonfire with the distribution of "zeppole" during the songs and traditional "Girotondo" around the fire.*

* The text was first published in a tourist brochure, entitled, "Il Colore del Molise," written in Italian by Giovanni Doganieri.


According to various sources pasta dishes on St. Joseph Day in Molise may include: Fusilli alla Molisana, Maccheroni di San Giuseppe con la mollica -- Casacalenda, Molise [For recipe see "Italian Pasta Dishes"], Maccheroni di San Giuseppe, Buccatine in tomato sauce with baccala and breadcrumbs -- Guardialfiera, Molise [For recipe see "Italian Pasta Dishes]; vegetable Dishes may include: Conchiglie alla paesana, Oranchio in insalata, Taccuncill e san pitre. Generally speaking, St. Joseph's pasta dishes are garnished with breadcrumbs rather than grated cheese. Breadcrumbs, according to food historians, represent the "sawdust" that St. Joseph, as a carpenter, would have had plenty of in his place of work. For specific dishes served on St. Joseph's Day in Riccia, Molise see a separate entry in this category.

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