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Names of Famous Traditional Dishes of Puglia III
Originated from: Puglia (Apulia), Italy
Occasion: Any time
Contributed by: A variety of sources, including Italian Wikipedia

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The following list includes names of famous traditional dishes PUGLIESE (For a list of desserts from the Puglia region see Italy Revisited/List of Desserts by Region).

o Calsuncieddi, fried miniature calzone filled with a variety of cheeses
o Calzone/ Calzone al forno
o Calzone pugliese, stuffed with onions, anchovies and sometimes with cheese
o Cialededda, bread with tomatoes
o Focaccia ripiena - bread dough filled with mozzarella, tomatoes, ham, onion or leek and served in slices
o Friselle - made from barley flour, duram wheat flour and go through a dual baking process, first in a hot oven and finished in a moderate oven
o Pancotto - is an ancient dish of Capitanata, poor but tasty, a basis of stale bread and a wide variety of wild vegetables, accompanied by fennel seeds, oil of Tavoliere and chilli peppers.
o Panzarotti, fritters stuffed with cheese
o Pizza con uova e cipolle, stuffed with egg and onion
Puglia Bread Specialities
o Pane di Altamura - sourdough durum wheat bread weighing up to 44 lb (20 kg) in Puglia
o Pane casereccio - made from duram wheat, yeast, flour, salt and water, this loaf is a tradition of the region
o Puccia di pane - small, soft, round loaf made of white flour to remind the people of the Virgin Mary
o Puddica - bread dough mixed with mashed potato and rolled into flat cakes, covered with halved tomatoes and seasoned with salt and pepper
o Sfogliata con olive e acciughe, olive and anchovy bread
o Taralli - wheat flour, lard, olive oil, brewer's yeast, fennel seeds, red pepper and salt, baked into rings
o Torta Tarantina di patate, potato pizza

o Burrata cheese - the burrata is a fresh cheese with spun dough, similar to mozzarella but by much softer consistency and filamentous, produced in Murgia Andria in particular to its place of invention and in various areas of Puglia. The burrata is worked by hand with a filling of cream and pieces of dough spun, and the stuffing is called stracciatella, because the pieces of dough are torn by hand, and is contained in an envelope ("bag") is also formed by paste spun.
o Caciocavallo podolico, is particular variety of cheese products made exclusively with milk from cows Podolico
o Cacioricotta cheese - the cacioricotta is a cheese produced in product throughout the Apulia
o Frittata, vegetable omelet
o Frittata di pasta e uova, eggs and noddles
o Frittelle di patate, potato fritters
o Peperoni soffritti con le uova, scrambled eggs with tomatoes and peppers
o Ricotta fritta, fried ricotta
o Tortino di patate, potato and cheese tart

o Riso, patate e cozze - this specialty of Bari based on rice can be compared to the paella, but the manner of dress differs barese Whereas traditional ingredients working in the area of Bari

o Alici arraganate, baked anchovies, layered with bread crumbs
o Baccala con le olive verdi, salt cod with green olives
o Cozze a raganati, mussels with bread crumbs
o Cozze al riso, mussels with rice
o Cozze fritte, fried mussels
o Cozze gratinate, mussels
o Cozze ripiene al sugo, stuffed mussels in tomato sauce
o Filetti di Sogliola, sole with black olives
o Frittura di pescespada, fried swordfish steaks
o Lumache al oregano, snails with oregana
o Pasta con le cozze, pasta with mussles
o Ostriche alla Tarantina, baked oysters with breadcrumbs
o Ostriche arrosto - oysters broiled with parsley, garlic, oregano, breadcrumbs, olive oil and lemon juice
o Pesce al forno, baked fish with olives
o Polpi affogati alla Luciana, octopus in tomato sauce
o Polipetti arrabbiati, octopus in chili sauce
o Orata alla Pugliese, porgy with potatoes, flavored with Pecorino cheese
o Ostriche arrosto - oysters broiled with parsley, garlic, oregano, breadcrumbs, olive oil and lemon juice
o Riso, patate e cozze
o Sarde in tortiera, baked sardines
o Scapece gallipolina
o Seppie ripiene, stuffed cuttlefish or squid
o Sogliole al piatto, steamed sole
o Triglia al cartoccio, baked red mullet
o Tortiera di cozze, baked stuffed mussels
o Teglia barese, mussesl with potatoes
o Zuppa di cozze alla Tarantina - mussels steamed with peperoncino, garlic, tomatoes, white wine and garlic
o Zuppa di pesce, fish stew

o Agnello al cartoccio, baked lamb with onion
o Agnello al forno con patate e pomodori, baked lamb with potatoes and tomatoes
o Agnello alla cacciatore, lamb stew with tomatoes and potatoes
o Agnello in agrodolce, sweet and sour lamb using vinegar, tomato paste and sugar, flavored with basil
o Brasciole alla Barese, stuffed steak roll from Bari, using parsley and Pecorino cheese
o Coniglio ai capperi, rabbit with capers
o Coniglio con peperoni, rabbit with peppers
o Costolette di agnello ai peperoni, baby lamb chops with sweet peppers
o Involtini alla Barese, stuffed beef rolls, with tomatoes and Pecorino cheese
o Manzo con cipolle, beef with onions
o Muscisca - the bacon or boneless meat from sheep or goat (and in some cases young calf) is cut into long strips (20-30 cm) and thin (3-4 cm) and seasoned with salt, chilli and fennel seeds before to be put to dry in the sun, enough to get the drying
o Pollo con peperonata, chicken with tomatoes and peppers
o Polpettine ai capperi, beef rolls cooked in white wine
o Ragu del macellaio, meat sauce with pork beef and lamb, and tomatoes
o Spiedini di capretto, baked kid on skewers
o Torcinelli - involtini of offal linked with guts scented with parsley and cooked on the grill
o U'verdette, roast lamb with peas, flavored with eggs and Pecorino cheese

o Aglio e olio Pugliese, pasta with garlic and olive oil
o Bucatini al cavolfiore, noodles with cauliflower
o Crema di ceci, with chick peas
o Lasagne con la ricotta, with ricotta and pork sausage
o Lumachine con patate, pasta with potatoes and onions
o Orecchiette al pomodoro, with tomato sauce
o Orecchiette al pomodoro e ricotta, orecchiette with tomato and ricotta
o Orecchiette al sugo d'agnello, orecchiette with lamb and rosemary
o Orecchiette alle cime di rapa, Ear-like pasta with rapini
o Orecchiette alle cime di rapa - Ear-like pasta with broccoli
o Orecchiette col pomodoro e la ricotta, with cheese and fresh tomatoes
o Orecchiette con broccioletti, pasta with meat rolls
o Orecchiette con cime di rapa, orecchietta ("little ears" pasta with turnips
o Orecchiette gratinate
o Orecchiette pugliese
o Orecchiette strascinate, with sun dried tomato sauce
o Pasta al cavolfiore, pasta with cauliflower
o Pasta al peperoni, pasta with red, yellow or green peppers and tomatoes
o Pasta e broccoli, pasta with broccoli and achovy fillets
o Penne con gli asparagi, with asparagus and tomatoes
o Spaghetti alla san giovanniello, made for feast day of St. John's, with tomatoes, basil, and red chili pepper
o Spaghetti alla Tarantina, with mussels, shrimp and eel
o Spaghetti con i broccoli, spaghetti with broccoli Puglia style
o Spaghetti con capperi e olive nere, spaghetti with capers and black olives
o Spaghetti con le cozze, with mussels and marinara sauce
o Spaghetti con le seppie, spaghetti with squid or cuttlefish
o Timpano di maccheroni con le melanzane, macaroni with eggplant
o Vermicelli con la mollica, vermicelli tossed with breadcrumbs and tomatoes

o le Minestro, soup with chicory and celery, flavored with Pecorino cheese
o Minestra di fave bianche, white bean soup
o Minestra di fave e carciofi, broad bean and artichoke soup with onions
o Minestra in brodo di pesce, fish stock soup
o Minestra verde di Carpino
o pancotto con rucola e patate, bread soup with potatoes and aragula
o Tiella alla Pugliese, mussel and potato soup
o Zuppa di Carpino
o Zuppa di cozze alla Tarantina - mussels steamed with peperoncino, garlic, tomatoes, white wine and garlic

o Calciofi alla brindisina, artichoke dish
o Carciofi fritti, fried artichokes
o Cime di rapa stufate, braised turnip tops
o Fave e cicoria, fava beans with chicory
o Fave in bianco, puree of fresh broad beans
o Finocchio alla casalinga, fennel and white wine
o Fritto di melanzane filanti, bread with eggplants and cheese
o Involtini di peperoni, stuffed sweet peppers
o Insalata di melanzane alla griglia, grilled eggplant salad
o Mazzetti di asparagi fritti, fried asparagus, coated with eggs
o Melanzane alla campagnola, eggplants flavored with parsley and basil
o Melanzane alla foggiana, eggplants with tomatoes
o Melanzane alla Pugliese, stuffed eggplants in tomato sauce
o Melanzane al forno, roasted eggplant
o Melanzane ripiene, stuffed eggplants
o Pepperoni imbottiti piccanti, stuffed sweet peppers
o Peperoni ripieni, stuffed peppers
o Pignata di fave e cipolla cruda
o Pizza lievitata di verdure, vegetable pie
o Pizza rustica Leccese, onion pie
o Polpi sott aceto, pickled octopus
o Pomodori farciti, stuffed tomatoes
o Pomodori ripieni, stuffed tomatoes
o Purea di fave - broad bean puree
o Radicchio pizza, double crust pie filled with radicchio and black olives
o Salsetta ai pepperoni, sauce made with yellow sweet peppers and onions for meat and fish
o Sfogliata con olive e acciughe, savory pie flavored with olives and anchovies
o Tiella di verdure - casserole of baked vegetable topped with mozzarella cheese and fresh basil
o Torta di verdure, escorle and curley endive tart
o Zucchine alla poverella, zucchine, poor woman's style, with olive oil and mint
o Zucchini in marinata, marinated zucchini



Image: Italian Wikipedia.

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