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Names of Famous Traditional Dishes of Piedmont III
Originated from: Piedmont, Italy
Occasion: Any time
Contributed by: A variety of sources, including Italian Wikipedia

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The following list includes names of famous traditional dishes PIEMONTESE (For a list of desserts from the Piedmont region see Italy Revisited/List of Desserts by Region).

o Crostini di Tartufi Bianchi, bread sprinkled with cheese

o Fonduta/Fondua, cheese fondu, with truffles
o Frittata al riso, cheese and rice fritters
o Omelette Piemontese, eggs with truffles
o Robbiola in salsa, cheese with tomato sauce and vinegar
o Uova alla Torinese, eggs and parsley
o Uova fritte alla Fontina, fried eggs with Fontina cheese
o Uova in Cocotte, eggs and cheese

o Paniscia di Novara – a dish based on rice with borlotti beans, salame sotto grasso and red wine
o Polenta d'oropa, with cheese
o Polenta pasticciata, baked polenta with meat sauce
o Panissa di Vercelli" – a dish based on rice with borlotti beans, salame sotto grasso and red wine
o Polenta e fontina in torta, savory polenta and cheese
o Polpettini di polenta, corquettes with a variety of cheese and truffle
o Puccia alla Piemontese, polenta with pork, cabbage and celery
o Riso in Cagnon, rice with cheese
o Risotto alla piemontese - risotto cooked with meat broth and seasoned with nutmeg, parmesan andtruffle
o Risotto coi tartufi, rice with truffles and Parmesan cheese
o Risotto con ciliegie, savory risotto with black cherries
o Spiedini di polenta fritta, fried polenta with fontina cheese kebabs
o Tortino di polenta e fontina, polenta with cheese

o Bagna cauda - A hot dip based on anchovies, olive oil and garlic blanched in milk, to accompany vegetables (either raw or cooked), meat or fried polenta sticks
o Branzino al vino bianco, seas bass with white wine
o Pesce persico alla piemontese, fried perch
o Pesce persico alla salvia, fillets of perch with sage
o Rane fritte, fried frogs' legs
o Rane in guazzetto, stewed frogs' legs, using white wine
o "Riso e Rane" - risotto with frogs
o Trota al erbe, trout with herbs
o Trota alla Piemontese, trout flavored with herbs

o Brasato al Barolo, beef braised in Barolo
o Brasato al vino - stew made from wine marinated beef
o Bollito misto, beef and vegetable sauce
o Bue al Barolo, beef braised in red wine
o Budino di polo, chicken mousse
o Carne cruda all'albese - steak tartare with truffles
o Coda di bue alla cavour, oxtail with mushrooms and onions
o Costata di Manzo al barolo, rib of beef in barola wine
o Costolette all vaidostana, veal chops stuffed with cheese
o Costoletti di vitello con fontina, veal chops with fontina cheese
o Faraona alla campagnola, guinea hen served with a sauce
o Fagiano con funghi, peasant with mushrooms and truffles
o Fagiano tartufato, peasant stuffed with truffles
o Faraona alla Campagnola, Guinea fowl with white wine
o Filetti di tacchino al Marsala, turkey breasts with Marsala sauce
o Lepre alla barbera, hare in red wine sauce
o Lepre alla Marengo, hare with mushrooms, tomato paste, and other vegetables
o Lepre alla Piemontese, hare with celery, carrots, flavored with bitter chocolate
o Lepre in Civet, jugged hare
o Madera sauce, sauce made with beef stock and vegetables
o Manzo brasato al barolo, beef in wine sauce
o Manzo stufato al Baroto, beef in Barola wine
o Petti di pollo regina, fried chicken breasts with liver sausage
o Piccioni alla cavour, pigeons with Marsala wine
o Pollo alla Marengo, chicken Marengo with tomatoes, sometimes uses shrimp
o Quaglie ai tartufi, quails with truffles and brandy
o Rostida, a variety of meats served in a tomato sauce
o "Salame sotto Grasso" - pork salami aged under a thick layer of lard
o Spezzatino di polo, chicken made with tomatoes and white wine
o Tajarin all'Albese con fegatini, chicken livers with truffles
o Tartine di carne cruda, veal tartare flavored with anchovy fillets and lemons
o Tournedos con finanziera, veal, calf's sweetbreads, with mushrooms and other vegetables
o Vitella alla Marengo, veal marengo with tomatoes, onions and mushrooms
o Vitello tonne [tonnato], veal with tuna

o Agnolotti alla piemontese, pasta with meat sauce
o Crepes Piemontese, savory pancakes with anchovies
o Fonduta alla piemontese, cheese fondue
o Gnocchi alla bava, potato gnocchi with Fontina cheese
o Gnocchi alla piemontese, flavored with sage
o Gnocchetti alla Piemontese, gnocchi with a variety of cheeses
o Lasagne al sangue, lasagne served with pork blood, sweetbreads and pork sausage
o Tagliatelle al sugo, tagliatelle served with tomato sauce
o Tagliatelline con la fonduta, tagliatelline with cheese fondu

o Panissa di vercelli, rice and bean soup
o Zuppa di fontina, bread and cheese soup

o Acciughe tartufate, anchovies with truffles
o Asparagi in salsa tartare, asparagus in tartare sauce
o Bagna calda, hot anchovy and garlic dip
o Caponet, stuffed zucchini blossoms
o Carciofi ripieni, stuffed artichokes
o Castagne stufate, stewed chestnuts
o Cipolline d'Ivres, onins with white wine
o Cipolle ripiene alla piemontese, stuffed onions
o Funghi ripieni alla piemontese, stuffed mushrooms
o Insalata alla moda d'alba, lettuce and asparagus salad
o Insalata con tartufi, lettuce and celery salad with truffles
o Insalata di fontina, pepper and Fontina cheese
o Insalata di sedani, truffled celery salad
o Patate Tartufate, potatoes with Parmesan cheese
o Peperoni alla bagna cauda, sweet peppers with sauce
o Pepperoni alla piemontese, peppers and tomato dish
o Peperoni farciti alla Torinese, stuffed peppers with rice and anchovies
o Salsa Tartufata, truffle sauce
o Spinaci alla Piemontese, spinach with anchovies
o Tartuffi alla Piemontese, seasoned truffles
o Zuzzhini alla crema, zucchini in cream with rosemary



Many Italian regional cookbooks combine dishes from the Piedmont region with the Val d'Aosta region. It is difficult to say which are specific to Val d'Aosta, and which are specific to Piedmont.

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