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Names of Famous Traditional Dishes of Calabria III
Originated from: Calabria, Italy
Occasion: Any time
Contributed by: A variety of sources, including Italian Wikipedia

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The following list includes names of famous traditional dishes associated with the Calabria region. For "Calabresi" desserts see Italy Revisited/List of Desserts by Region.

o Morseddu, bread topped with tomatoes or other ingredients
o Pagnottine brusche, savory rolls
o Pitta [calzone] con pancetta e uvetta, flavored with pancetta and raisins
o Pitta [calzone] coi pomodori - pita bread with tomatoes
o PItta inchiusa, stuffed pizza
o Pizza calabrese, Calabrian pizza with anchovies, canned tuna fish and tomatoes
o Pizza con la ricotta, savory pie stuffed with ricotta cheese and sausage

Fritelle di mozzarella, fried mozzerela

o Polenta verde, polenta with broccoli
o Riso in tortiera, a rich rice dish flavored with a variety of cheeses, topped with a tomato sauce

o Alici a Beccafico, fried stuffed sardines served in sauce made with white wine and tomatoes
o Alici ai limone, baked fresh anchovies
o Anguille stufate, baked eels
o Aringhe alla Calabrese, herrrings in white wine
o Braciolette di pesce spada, broiled swordfsih
o Insalata di baccala, codfish salad
o Pesce spada alla ghiotta, swordfish rolls in tomato sauce
o Pesce spade in graticola, grilled swordfish
o Pesce stocco alla calabres, fish stew
o Pizza calabrese, fish pie
o Purputti the Piscispata, sword fish dish
o Rosamarina
o Sarde al olio e origano, fresh sardines with olive oil and oregano
o Sarde aromatiche, marinated sardines with mint and garlic
o Sarde a beccaficu catanese, baked stuffed sardines, using breadcrumbs, vinegar, parsley and Parmesan
o Sgombri alla calabrese, mackerel with anchovy butter
o Stoccafisso alla Cosentina, stockfish
o Tonno alla Calabrese, tuna casserole made with tomatoes and white wine
o Tonno lessato, poached tuna
o Tonno in agrodolce, tuna served with a sweet and sour sauce
o Tortiera di alici, baked anchovies with Pecorino cheese and tomatoes
o Tortiera di sardine, sardines baked with tomatoes and Pecorino cheese
o Triglie alla calabrese calabrian mullet
o Zuppa di baccala alla Calabrese, salt cod stew with red peppers and potatoes

o Asticciola alla calabrese, Calabrian stuffed beef rolls
o Capretto alla paesana, rost kid with tomatoes
o Capretto e carciofi, kid with artichokes
o Carne alla pecorara, lamb baked with tomatoes
o Corniglio alla cacciatore, rabbit in whine vinegar
o Costa di maiale alla Silana, pork ribs with tomatoes, mushrooms and artichokes
o Costolette d'agnello alla calabrese, lamb cutlets flavored with tomatoes and peppers
o Costolette d'agnello alla Cosentina, lamb chops with ripe tomatoes and green olives
o Crocchette di carne arrostite, meat croquettes on skewers
o Costolettine di agnello, lamb chops flavored with herbs
o Curcuci, meat dish
o Involtini alla Calabrese, pork rolls stuffed with pancetta, salami and cheese rolls
o Morzeddhu, dish made with calf or pig liver, calf or pig heart and ripe tomatoes
o Pollo ripieno alla Lucana, stuffed chicken with sage and rosemary
o Salsicce arroste, roasted sausages
o Spiedini di maiale, skewered pork rolls, stuffed with cheese

o Fileja Fhilatierj, home made pasta often served with goat meat
o Lasagna alla calabrese, pasta dish
o Lasagna imbottita, lasagna layered with mushrooms and mozzarella,
o Maccheroni alla calabrese, Calabrian macaroni with ham, chilly peppers and cheese
o Maccheroni alla pastora, noodles with pork sausage and pecorino cheese
o Maccheroni con vongole o cozze, macaroni with clams or mussels
o Maccheroncelli ammuddicati, pasta flavored with breadcrumbs, and tomatoes
o Millecosedde, pasta with chick peas and lentils and white beans
o Pasta ammuddicata, with anchovy sauce
o Pasta 'ncasciata, short macaroni with seasoned meat sauce, enriched with eggs and cheese or mozzarella, along with fried eggplant and peas.
o Pasta ca 'muddhca (pasta with breadcrumbs) dish very tasty and simple consisting of normally spaghetti seasoned with anchovies and oil bound by a handful of breadcrumbs
o Pasta chi cucuzzeddi, pasta with zucchini
o Pasta con la 'Nduja e panna, with cream
o Pasta e arrosto, pasta with various meats, including pork and mutton
o Pasta e finocchiella, pasta with fennel
o Ricchie i privieti alla calabrese, pasta (shaped like little ears)with tomato and meat sauce, topped with pecorino cheese
o Sagne chine, rich lasagne dish filled with meat, cheese and peas or mushrooms
o Schiaffettoni, cannelloni stuffed with eggs and sausage
o Spaghetti ammollicato, spaghetti with anchovy sauce and breadcrumbs
o Spaghetti al sugo, spaghetti with tomato and vegetable sauceo Vermicelli al funghi, vermicelli with mushrooms and tomatoes
o Spaghetti con polpi e totani, spaghetti with octopus adn squid
o Timballo di maccheroni, macaroni with eggplants
o Vermicelli piccanti alla calabrese, spicy vermicelli with anchovies and chilies

o Cipuddizze a soup of bread and onions
o Licurida, spring onion soup
o Macco di fava, broad beans and tomato soup
o Mille cosedde, a thousand things, soup with lentils and other vegetables
o Minestra di cavolo, soup made with cabbages
o Minestra di fave e cardi, soup with beans and cardoon
o Pancotto, bread soup
o Zuppa di accia, celery soup
o Zuppa di cipolle, onion soup

o Carciofi gallico marina artichokes, Calabrian style
o Carote al burro, carrots with butter and parsley
o Ceci all olio, chick peas flavored with garlic and olive oil
o Ciambotta/Ciambrotta, ratatouille, stew made with peppers and potatoes
o Crocchetttine di patate, potato croquettes with salami and cheese
o Gianfittiri (peperonata), vegetable dish using peppers
o Fagioli d'Estate, beans with red onions and tomatoes
o Insalata arriganata, potato and olive salad
o Insalata Calabrese, made with potatoes, onions and peppers
o Insalata conti, salad of beans and tuna
o Insalata di cavolfiore, cauliflower salad
o Melanzane al funghetto, saute of eggplant
o Melanzane al pomodori, eggplants with tomatoes
o Melanzane alla finitese, fried eggplants with pecorino cheese
o Melanzane alla menta - Eggplant marinated with mint
o Melanzane ripiene, stuffed eggplants
o Melanzane sott olio, pickled eggplants
o Mulingini a 'parmigiana, eggplant parmigiana
o Pepperoni alla calabrese, casserole of peppers
o Pomodori arrostiti, roasted tomatoes
o Pomodori secchi sott' olio, sun dried tomatoes preserved in olive oil
o Pipi chini, stuffed peppers
o Pipi friuti, fried peppers with potatoes
o Polette di melanzane, eggplant balls
o Pomodori ripieni di cannolicchi tomatoes stuffed with pasta
o Purgatorio alla Calabrese, Calabrian "purgatory", eggplants with peppers, potatoes and bread
o Scarola ripiena, stuffed escarole
o Terrina di melanzane con pepperoni e prosciutto, eggplant and red pepers
o Tortiera di carciofi, savory pie made with artichokes, potatoes and cheese
o Tramezzini, fried bread squares with mozzarella
o Zafarana rusceddra, vegetable dish made with peppers
o Zucca gialla alla Calabrese, yellow pumpkin with mint and capers
o Zucchine e peperoni, zucchini and peppers
o Zucchine gratinate, zucchini courgettes with cheese



Image: Italian Wikipedia.

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