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Traditional Desserts of Marche
Originated from: Marche, Italy
Occasion: Any time & special times
Contributed by: Image courtesy of Wikipedia

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The following list of traditional desserts MARCHIGIANA includes names of cookies, cakes, fritters, holiday breads, pastries, pies and tarts in alphabetical order:

o Anicetti

o Beccuta di farina di frumentone

o Beccute, cookies using corn flour, flavored with walnuts, pine nuts and raisins [for recipe see Italy Revisited/ Cookies with Nuts]

o Biscotti di mosto

o Biscottini sciroppati - biscutin'

o Bostrengo, rice pudding flavored with chocolate

o Budino di pane con albicocche, bread pudding

o Calcione di Treia (for a variety of calcioni recipes see Italy Revisited/Calconi)

o Calcioni di fave fritti

o Casalinga dei corbezzoli sotto spirito, made in Ancona, for la festa del corbezzolo

o Castagnole, sweet made for Carnival in Ancona, Marche

o Cavallucci

o Chichiripieno o chich

o Ciaramilla

o Ciambelle all anice o anicini, anise-flavored sweet

o Ciambelle al most, flavored with mosto cotto, often pinenuts added

o Ciambella frastagliata, ciammella strozzosa

o Ciambelle di Pasqua, donut-shaped pastries often decorated with eggs made for EASTER [for a variety of recipes from different regions see Italy Revisited/ Holiday Breads]

o Ciambellone, ciambelloni, filled with cream, made in Ancona, Marche

o Cicerchiata, CARNIVAL sweet fritters, sometimes flavored with anice, topped with honey and crushed almonds [for a variety of recipes see Italy Revisited/ Fritters]

o Cornetti anconetani, pastries made in Ancona, Marche, flavored with marzapane

o Crescia, yeat dough cheese bread which has the appearance of a tall cake

o Crescia, crescia brusca, spianata, cacciannanzi

o Crescia fogliata - crescia fojata - lu rocciu, apple pastries

o Crescia sotto la cenere, torta coi ovi

o Cresciolina

o Crostata al torrone

o Crostoli del Montefeltro

o Fave da morto, fave dei morti, or fave dolci, almond-based cookies, made for All Souls' Day [for a variety of recipes see Italy Revisited/ Cookies with Nuts]

o Feratelle, pizzelle, very thin cookies made with a waffle iron [for recipe see Italy Revisited/"Cookies without Nuts"]

o Frappe, CARNIVAL fritters [For recipe see Italy Revisited/ "Fritters"]

o Frittelle di polenta, fritters made with corn flour

o Fristingo, fristingu, frestinghe

o Frustenga or Frustingo, fruit cake, flavored with walnuts and raisins, using cornmeal, CHRISTMAS sweet

o Funghetto/ Funghetti di offida

o Gelati a cono artigianali, ice cream popular in Ancona, Marche

o Guanti, sweet fritters [for recipe see Italy Revisited/Fritters]

o Lattaiolo, custard-filled tart

o Lonza di fico, lonzino di fico, lonzetta di fico, salame di fico

o Maccheroncini di Campofilone, capellini di Campofilone

o Maiorchino, marocchino

o Miacetto

o Migliaccio di sangue di maiale, sweet flavored with pig's blood

o Pan nociato

o Pane a lievitazione naturale

o Pane di Chiaserna

o Pane di Pasqua di Borgopace, EASTER bread

o Pana Montata, flavored whipped cream [for recipe see Italy Revisited/Puddings and Creams]

o Panettone, sweet yeast dough cake [for recipe see Italy Revisited/Holiday Breads]

o Pestringolo, fruit cake flavored with dry figs

o Piconi, cheese-filled baked Easter pastries, that come in two versions, the sweet kind, and the savory kind; the sweet version uses ricotta cheese, the savory version often uses Pecorino and Parmesan cheese (For the two recipes see Italy Revisited/"Calcioni"]

o Pinoccate di Perugia, pine nut fondants, flavored with candied orange

o Pizza di Natale, CHRISTMAS delicacy [for a variety of recipes from different regions see Italy Revisited/"Pies and Tarts"]

o Pizza con le noci, hazelnut sweet

o Pizza di Pasqua o crescia di Pasqua, EASTER tart or pie [for a variety of recipes from different regions see Italy Revisited/"Pies and Tarts"]

o Pizza o crescia di Pasqua al formaggio, EASTER cheese-based pie or tart

o Pizza di Pasqua salata, savory cheese-based EASTER bread common in central Italy (for a variety of recipes see Italy Revisited/Holiday Breads)

o Pizza dolce, sweet yeast dough cake

o Polacche, croissant-style pastry made in Ancona, Marche

o Quadrelli pelusi

o Rocciata - erbata

o Rombi aromatici

o Scarafolata

o Scroccafus or Scroccafusi, CARNIVAL sweets, traditionally the small balls of dough were fried, but nowadays they are also baked, generally flavored with anisette (for recipe see Italy Revisited/ Cookies without Nuts)

o Serpe

o Sfrappe, fried sweet dough made for CARNIVAL [For variety of recipes see Italy Revisited/"Fritters"]

o Sughetti - sughitti - sciugheti - sapetti

o Tacconi - tacon

o Torrone di fichi panetto di fichi

o Torta di granoturco in graticola

o Torta al limone

o Zeppole, cream puffs, sometimes fried, sometimes baked made for the FEAST DAY OF ST. JOSEPH and Carnival



The list of desserts, which includes a number of traditional breads, pizzas and savory unsweetened pies, was compiled from a variety of sources, including Wikipedia. Part of Cucina marchigiana. Additions and/or corrections are welcomed.

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