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Traditional Desserts of Friuli Venezia Giulia
Originated from: Friuli Venezia Giulia, Italy
Occasion: Any time & special times
Contributed by: Image courtesy of Wikipedia

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The following list of traditional desserts FRIULANA includes names of cookies, cakes, fritters, holiday breads, pastries, pies and tarts in alphabetical order:

o Beignets

o Biancomangiare

o Biscotto esse, S shaped-biscotti (for recipe see Italy Revisited/Cookies without Nuts)

o Biscotti col buco alla mandorla, almond-based cookies

o Biscotto Pordenone

o Biscotto pevarine, peverini

o Boldona dolce del sacrificio

o Bomboloni

o Buiadnik

o Budino di riso, rice pudding [for similar recipes see Italy Revisited/"Puddings and Creams"]

o Budino di semolino, pudding using semolina [for similar recipes see Italy Revisited/"Puddings and Creams"]

o Budino tipico rosada bianca, pudding flavored with rose water and lemon

o Ciambelle, doughnuts flavored with wine [for a variety of recipes from different regions see Italy Revisited Cakes/ Cookies without Nuts/ Holiday Breads and Taralli Dolci]

o Cjalcune

o Cjalzone o Cjarsone

o Colaz

o Coppe di cachi

o Coch, a pudding

o Crespelle con marmellata, pancakes flavored with marmalade

o Cuguluf, similar to panettone, but conical in shape. Of Austrian origin, prepared with bitter cocoa, raisins and lemon rind.

o Crema Bruciata

o Crespelle con marmellata

o Croccante di frutta secca

o Crostata al limone

o Crostata di mandorle

o Crostolo, fried pastry sprinkled with icing sugar

o Crostui

o Cubana (Gubana), spiral-shaped apple strudel

o Crostoli (sometimes spelled grostoli), CARNIVAL fritters, fried pastry strips [For recipe see "Fritters"]

o Dolce di ciliegie alla panna

o Esse di raveo, biscuits of Carnia, S-shaped

o Fave di Trieste, made with almonds, eggs and maraschino

o Favette triestine

o Fritole di Carnevale

o Frittelle di mele

o Fritule or Fritulas, pancakes with raisins or apples

o Gnocchi di susine, gnocchi flavored with plums

o Golosita al mascarpone

o Goriziana

o La gubana or Gubane, sweet yeast dough fruit and nut cake made with prunes, chocolate, lemon, oranges and other ingredients

o Gubana di cividale, flavored with walnuts


o Kugelhupf, sweet yeast dough cake

o Macedonia al pompelmo

o Marmellata di mirtilli, fragole, lamponi, mele

o Marmellata di olivello spinoso e mele

o Pane fritto, fried bread sweetened with sugar

o Pane indorato, fried bread sweetened with sugar and milk

o Perseghini, round-shaped cookies

o Perseghini di cividale, ring-shaped cookies

o Pince de bass

o Pinza, sweet bread

o Pinza della Befana, corn mel and fig Christmas bread

o Pinza triestina

o Presnitz, pastry log, flavored with sugar, walnuts, pine nuts and almonds [For recipe see Italy Revisited/Pies and Tarts]

o Putizza, sweet pastry flavored with rum, cinnamon, cloves and nutmet

o Ravioli dolci, sweet ravioli, cookies filled nuts, jams, chestnuts, chickpeas etc. [for a variety of recipes from different regions see Italy Revisited/ "Calconi"]

o Sanguinaccio, sweet flavored with pig's blood

o Sminuzzata imperiale, sweet fritters

o Snite

o Strucchi, short pastry boiled or fried, stuffed with dried fruit and pine nuts

o Strucchi fritti, fried dumplings

o Strucolo, apple strudel or other fruits such as cherries

o Strudel con le mele, apple strudel

o Strudel di ciliege, strudel made with cherries

o Strudel ni noci

o Torta di Castagne, chestnut cake

o Torta di vigilia, CHRISTMAS EVE cake

o Torta Moka

o Torta povera

o Torta Speziata



The list of desserts, which includes a number of traditional breads, pizzas and savory unsweetened pies, was compiled from a variety of sources, including Wikipedia. Part of "cucina friulana." Additions and/or corrections are welcomed.

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