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Traditional Desserts of Emilia Romagna
Originated from: Emilia Romagna, Italy
Occasion: Any time & special times
Contributed by: Image courtesy of Wikipedia

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The following list of traditional desserts EMILINA includes names of cookies, cakes, fritters, holiday breads, pastries, pies and tarts in alphabetical order:

o Africanetti

o Amaretti di Modena, almond cookies [for a variety of similar recipes see Italy Revisited/Cookies with Nuts]

o Amaretto di Spilamberto

o Auccherotti

o Bensone, oval-shaped lemon-flavored cake [for recipe see Italy Revisited/Cakes]

o Biscione reggiano di Reggio Emilia

o Biscotti Margherita

o Biscotto ferrarese

o Bonissima

o Bosila

o Bossilan, a round-shaped ciambella

o Bostrengo o Burlengo romagnolo

o Bracciadella reggiana

o Brazadela

o Bugie, CARNIVAL fritters [for recipe see Italy Revisited/Fritters]

o Burlengo romagnolo, or bostrengo

o Burriche

o Buslan, buslin, buslanei, buslanin, or brazadela belson, a bun, sometimes linked to religious festivities

o Cantarelle

o Cappellacci, with peach jam and cocoa

o Cassatella, chocolate cake

o Cassola, Christmas cheesecake

o Castagnaccio fritte, fritters flavored with lemon zest and brandy

o Castagnole, bun also known as buslan

o Certosino (or Panspeziale), CHRISTMAS fruit cake flavored with almonds, honey and spices [for recipe see Italy Revisited/Cakes]

o Chiacchiere di suora, nun's gossip, CARNIVAL sweet fritters

o Ciabattine di S. Antonio

o Ciacci

o Ciambella

o Ciambella ferrarese

o Ciambella reggiana

o Ciambelline

o Ciambellone Bolognese, fruit and nut ring cake, using almonds and raisins

o Cipren, shorbread using almonds

o Colomba di pavullo

o Coppe Solaria

o Crescente di patate

o Crescenta fritta, fritters

o Crema di uva spina

o Crema dolce

o Crescentine in tigelle/ unsweetened Modena bread made with decorative molds for festivals and feast days

o Croccante, cruccant, nut nougat [for similar recipes see Italy Revisited/Nougats]

o Crostata di mele

o Dolci al mascarpone

o Dolce di crema e pinoli

o Dolce di miele all'uso di Ferrara

o Dolce di San Michele

o Fave alla romagna, fave dei morti, almond-based cookies made for THE DAY OF THE DEAD or All Souls' Day (for recipe see Italy Revisited/Cookies with Nuts)

o Fragole all'aceto balsamico, strawberries in balsamic vinegar

o Frappe (or sfrappole), CARNIVAL sweet fritters

o Frittelle, fried yeast dough generally made for the CARNIVAL festivities

o Frittelle di castagnaccio, fritters

o Frittelle di farina di castagne, fritters

o Frittelle di mele, apple fritters [for similar recipes see Italy Revisited/"Fritters"]

o Frittelle di ricotta [for similar recipes see Italy Revisited/"Fritters"]

o Frittellozzi di farina di castagne

o Gialletti, cornmeal cookies [for recipe see Italy Revisited/Cookies without Nuts]

o Intrigoni o chiacchere reggiane

o Latte brule

o Latte in piedi

o Lattughe, thin sweet dough noodles shaped like cabbabe leaves served for carnival [for similar recipes see Italy Revisited/"Fritters"]

o Laurino, laurel-based liqueur

o Luigino, lemon liqueur

o Macedonia colorata

o Macedonia millegusti

o Mandorlini del ponte

o Mandorlotti

o Maria Luigia cake, sponge cake using with almonds, chocolates and strawberries

o Marmellata di pompelmi

o Miacetto

o Migliaccio ravenate

o Mistocchine, dumplings made with chestnut puree

o Mosto cotto

o Nocino, walnut liqueur

o Pampepato, Pampepato o pampapato, pampepat, pampapat, panpepato, an almond and pine nut cake with chocolate icing, served for CHRISTMAS

o Pampepato Terano, made with almonds, pine nuts and other nuts, heavily spiced [for a recipe see Italy Revisited/"Cookies with Nuts"]

o Pane Bolognese, sweet loaf using cornflour [For recipe see Italy Revisited/Cakes]

o Pane dolce con i fichi

o Pan speziale alla certosina, sweet yeast dough bread flavored with anise and corriander

o Pan speziale bolognese

o Pane di natale, Christmas yeast dough holiday bread or cake

o Pane di zuza, sweet yeast dough bread

o Panna cotta

o Pane di natale, CHRISTMAS holiday bread

o Pane di zucca

o Panone

o Panspeziale (or il certosino), CHRISTMAS sweet flavored with almonds, honey and spices

o Pattona

o Pere al mirtillo, stewed pears with blueberries

o Pesche ripiene, peaches filled with almonds

o Pie alla Campagnola, double-crusted pie filled with hard boiled eggs, flavored with currants, sugar and nutmeg [for recipe see Italy Revisited/Pies and Tarts]

o Pie alla Romagnola, pear crumble, sweetened with sugar, raisins and candied orange peel [for recipe see Italy Revisited/Pies and Tarts]

o Raviole bolognesi di san Giuseppe, baked sweet ravioli filled with jam made for the Feast Day of St. Joseph

o Ravioli di marroni

o Ravioli di San Giuseppe, jam-stuffed sweet ravioli made for the FEAST DAY OF ST. JOSEPH (for recipe see Italy Revisited/Calconi)

o Rotolo dolce

o Salame di cioccolato, a salami-shaped chocolate and almond sweet generally associated with Sicily, but it is found in other regions, including Campania; in Emilia-Romagna this cake is generally served at EASTER. [For recipe see Italy Revisited/ "Cookies with Nuts"]

o Salame di re, chocolate log flavored with almonds, often served at EASTER (for recipe see Italy Revisited/Cookies with Nuts)

o Savoiardi di Persiceto, lady fingers

o Sapa

o Savor, grape must paste

o Sbrisolona, crumbly cake made with almonds from undisputed origins Mantuan but also found in Piacenza

o Scarpette di Sant'Ilario, short pastry biscuits in the shape of shoes, made for the FEAST DAY OF ST. ILARIO, January 13th

o Schiumini

o Sfrappole, sweet fritters made in the shape of knots

o Sfrappole di Carnevale (or frappe), CARNIVAL fritters or knots, using white wine

o Sfogliata o torta degli Ebrei, tibuia

o Sguazarot

o Spongata, sponge cake, probable from Jewish origins popular in the lower Val d'Arda area

o Spongata di Brescello, jellyroll style cake filled with walnuts and flavored with honey

o Spongata di Busseto, puff pastry filled with marmalade of apples and pears, candied fruit, pine nuts and almonds

o Spongata di Natale reggiana, CHRISTMAS sponge cake

o Spumoni, meringues-style cookies

o Torta Barozzi, made with mascarpone cream of Modena, also associated with Vignola, chocolate & coffee flavored cake

o Torta bianca, single crust pie made with almonds and flavored with chocolate and anisette

o Torta degli addobbi, sweet rice cake, sometimes flavored with caramel and vanilla traditionally served on CORPUS CHRISTI and/or EASTER [for recipe and history see Italy Revisited/Pies and Tarts]

o Torta dei preti

o Torta d'erbe

o Torta di fichi, sweet made with figs, based on a recipe from the eighteenth century of Albarola

o Torta di capelli d'Angelo, tart made with angel-hair pasta, flavored with candied fruit and almonds

o Torta di mandole, cake made with almonds flavored with lemon

o Torta di ricotta, ricotta cheese pie traditionally made for weddings in Romagna [for recipe see Italy Revisited/Pies and Tarts]

o Torta di Riso, cake/tart flavored with sweet and bitter almonds and Maraschino, often made for EASTER (for a variety of similar recipes see Italy Revisited Pies and Tarts)

o Torta di riso degli addobbi, single crust pie filled with rice and almonds, originally made for the Easter festivities, was often offered to priests as gifts

o Torto granoturco

o Torta di mele

o Torta di mele ferrarese

o Torta di pere, turta ad per

o Torta di prugne, turta ad brugna

o Torta di riso di Bologna, made with amaretti cookies, flavored with liqueur [for recipe see Italy Revisited/"Pies and Tarts"]

o Torta di riso reggiana

o Torta di tagliolini, tart made with tagliolini (pasta) flavored with almonds

o Torta di tagliatelle

o Torta "in cantina"

o Torta nera

o Torta Tagliatelle, pie filled with sweetened tagliatelle pasta

o Tortelli dolci, sweet tortellie, baked pastries traditionally filled with chestnuts and mustard

o Tortellini di castagne reggiane

o Tortine Saint Honore

o Zabagione, custard

o Zabaione, pudding flavored with rum

o Zabaione parmigiano

o Zalett

o Zuccherino montanaro bolognese, zucarein montanaro bolognese

o Zuccherini Romagnoli

o Zuppa a Due colori, two colored pudding using vanilla and chocolate

o Zuppa all emiliana, chocolate flavored dessert using sponge cake

o Zuppa inglese, cake or custard lined with ladyfingers or sponge cake [for a variety of recipes see Italy Revisited/Cakes]

o Zuppa inglese alla reggiana



The list of desserts, which includes a number of traditional breads, pizzas and savory unsweetened pies, was compiled from a variety of sources, including Wikipedia. Parrt of "Cucina emiliana," which includes: "Cucina cesentate," "cucina parmigiana," "cucina piacentina" and "cucina romagnola." Additions and/or corrections are welcomed.

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