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X Italian Vegetable and Side Dishes
Lenticchie "Lumiccule" (Lentils)
Originated from: Riccia, Molise
Occasion: La Devozione di San Giuseppe/ St. Joseph's Day
Contributed by: Courtesy of Accademia Italiana Della Cucina, Delegazione di Campobasso, a cura del Delegato, Anna Maria Lombardi

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Original Italian Text:
200g di lenticchie
q.b. di sale e di pepe
q.b. di olio extravergine di oliva

English translation:
200 grams lentils
salt and pepper, as much as is needed
extra virgin oil, as much as is needed


Original Italian Text:

Tenere in ammollo le lenticchie in acqua fredda per 3 ore.

Sciacquarle e metterle in pentola, con acqua a coprire; cuocere per circa un ora.

Condire con sale, pepe e olio a piacere.

English translation:

Soak the lentils in cold water for 3 hours. Put in a pot of water, cover and cook for about an hour.

Season with salt, pepper and olive oil to taste.


The recipe shown in this entry comes from the pamphlet entitled: "La Devozione di S. Giuseppe a Riccia (Ficette Familiglia Iapalucci). It was put together by the "Accademia Italiana Della Cucina, Instituzione Culturale della Repubblica Italiana, Delegazione di Campobasso," under the direction (a cura del Delegato) Anna Maria Lombardi. The feast day banquet was prepared and presented at the "Hotel Ristorante, "Iapallucci", C. da Escamare, 507 S.S. 21 - Riccia (CB) on the 28th of March 2010. For the introductory notes published in this pamphlet please see the category, "Lists of Traditional Foods from Molise" -- Saint Joseph's Day -- History -- Accademia Italiana Della Cucina." The entire menu presented at the Hotel Ristorante for the Feast Day of Saint Joseph can also be found in the same entry in this category. Photo: Mary Melfi.

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