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X Italian Vegetable and Side Dishes
stuffed peppers
Peperoni ripieni "Peparule arrechjne" (Stuffed Peppers)
Originated from: Riccia, Molise
Occasion: La Devozione di San Giuseppe/ St. Joseph's Day
Contributed by: Courtesy of Accademia Italiana Della Cucina, Delegazione di Campobasso, a cura del Delegato, Anna Maria Lombardi

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Original Italian Text:
4 peperoni tondi sottoaceto "papavele"
400g di mollica di pane raffermo
100g di gherigli di noci spezzettati
100g di uva sultanina
50g di tonno
q.b. di prezzemolo e aglio
q.b. di sale e di pepe
q.b. di olio extravergine di oliva

English translation
4 bell peppers
400g dried breadcrumbs
100g chopped walnuts
100g raisins
50g tuna
Parsley and garlic, as much as is needed
Salt and pepper, as much as is needed
Extra virgin olive oil, as much as is needed


Original Italian Text:


Togliere il torsolo ai peperoni, sciacquarli e farli asciugare.

Preparare un composto con la mollica di pane sbriciolata ed il resto degli ingredient; farcire i peperoni, chiuderli con un tondino di crosta di pane bagnato nell'olio, disporli in una teglia unta e infornare a 180 per circa 30'.


Remove the core of the peppers, rinse and dry.

Prepare a mixture with bread crumbs and remaining ingredients, stuff the peppers, close them with a piece of crusty bread dipped in oil, arrange in a greased pan and bake at 180 C for about 30 minutes.


The recipe shown in this entry comes from the pamphlet entitled: "La Devozione di S. Giuseppe a Riccia (Ficette Familiglia Iapalucci). It was put together by the "Accademia Italiana Della Cucina, Instituzione Culturale della Repubblica Italiana, Delegazione di Campobasso," under the direction (a cura del Delegato) Anna Maria Lombardi. The feast day banquet was prepared and presented at the "Hotel Ristorante, "Iapallucci", C. da Escamare, 507 S.S. 21 - Riccia (CB) on the 28th of March 2010. For the introductory notes published in this pamphlet please see the category, "Lists of Traditional Foods from Molise" -- Saint Joseph's Day -- History -- Accademia Italiana Della Cucina." The entire menu presented at the Hotel Ristorante for the Feast Day of Saint Joseph can also be found in the same entry in this category. Photo: Mary Melfi.

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