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X Italian Rice and Polenta Dishes
Corn Pudding (using raisins and pine seeds)
Originated from: Italy
Occasion: Any time
Contributed by: Taken from "Italian Cook Book" by Pellegrino Artusi (1945)

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Corn Pudding I.
corn flour, not too finely ground
boiling water
rosemary leaves

Corn Pudding II.
Corn flour, 10 ounces
Raisins, 3 1/2 ouces
Fat, 1 1/2 ounces
Pine seeds, 1 ounce


Corn Pudding I

If you like corn flour, you can prepare a tasty pudding with little effort. Children, especially enjoy this food.

Select corn flour, not too finely ground. Place as much flour as necessary in any suitable vessel, salt it and mix it with boiling water.

When no vestige of dry flour is visible, add raisins in just proportion.

Place sufficient virgin lard in a cake dish, and as soon as it begins to sizzle, throw the millet in.

spread it evenly with a long spoon: smear the surface with more virgin lard, and add some rosemary leaves.

Either bake it or cook in between two fires.

When it is brown, remove it from the cake dish. If preferred, fritters may be made with the same millet, but in that case, do not use rosemary leaves.

Corn Pudding II

This is a more delicate dish than the preceding one.

Remove the seeds from the raisins and cut the pine seeds in two, crosswise.

Smear a cake dish with fat and spread flour on it. As for the rest, see preceding recipe (Corn Pudding I).


This recipe (#149 & 150) was taken from "The Italian Cook Book" adapted from the Italian of Pellegrino Artusi by Olga Ragusa. It was published by S.F. Vanni in New York in 1945. For the complete copyright cook book see www.archive.org. Image -- Igor Grabar, Table en desordre, around 1905.

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