2 1/2 cups flour
3 large eggs
pinch of salt
Pile flour on a bread board and make a well in the middle.
Break eggs into well and add salt; mix with hands until you have a stiff dough, using a little water if needed.
Roll dough paper thin, flour and fold; cut into desired widths with a sharp knife, then loosen them apart, shake out flour and let dry before using.
Cook in a generous amount of boiling, salted water about 10 minutes.
Serve with any desired sauce and Parmesan cheese.
Note: A paper rolling pin to use in making noodles can be made from a broomstick, which has been sanded smooth. To make soup noodles, roll dough onto broomstick rolling pin, then cut dough the full length of rolling pin. Remove dough to bread board and cut into strips lengthwise; divide strips by cutting into smaller pieces. For long noodles, roll dough into long, thin sheets and fold crosswise several times; cut strips perpendicular to folds and shake out to full length. Suspend broomstick rolling pin between two chairs and hang noodles from it to dry.
This recipe was taken from "The Complete Italian Cook Book: La Cucina" by Rose L. Sorce. It was published by Grosset & Dunlap in 1953. For the entire copyright-free cookbook see Image: Pol de Limbourg, 1416. |