1 pound curled spaghetti, cut up
For sauce
1 small cauliflower
1 onion, sliced
2 pounds tomatoes, peeled
5 tablespoons olive oil
3 anchovy fillets
1 tablespoon pine nuts
salt and pepper
1 clove glove
Grated Parmesan cheese
Cook cauliflower in boiling, salted water; drain.
Cook spaghetti in boiling, salted water; drain.
Brown onion and garlic in hot olive oil, stir in anchovy fillets; cook about 3 minutes, and add tomatoes; simmer about 20 minutes and add cauliflower, nuts salt, pepper and oregan; heat through.
Combine with spaghetti, mix well, and serve hot, sprinkled with grated Parmesan cheese.
Serves 6.
This recipe was taken from "The Complete Italian Cook Book: La Cucina" by Rose L. Sorce. It was published by Grosset & Dunlap in 1953. For the entire copyright-free cookbook see Image -- Camille Pissarro: Jardin Potager a L'Ermitage, Pontoise,1879. |