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X Italian Pasta Dishes
tagliatelle with anchovy and tunny fish
Tagliatelle with Anchovy and Tunny Fish (seasoned with garlic, parsley and stock)
Originated from: Italy
Occasion: Any time & special times
Contributed by: Taken from "Italian Cooking" by Dorothy Daly

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3/4 lb. tagliatelle cooked in the approved manner

For sauce
a 6-oz. tin of tunny fish
3 or 4 anchovies
2 tablespoons oil
1 clove garlic
1 tablespoon chopped parsley
1/2 pint good stock


"Heat oil in a heavy pan, add garlic and cook for two or three minutes, add tunny and anchovies broken into small pieces or pounded, add parsley and cook for four or five minutes. Season with salt and pepper. Add stock slowly and bring to boiling point. Pour over cooked tagliatelle and mix well."


This recipe was taken from "Italian Cooking" by Dorothy Daly. It was published by Spring Books in Great Britain. For the complete copyright-free cookbook see www.archive.org. A variety of recipes can also be found on this website.... P.S. In Molise prior to World War II tagliatelle was generally made without eggs in the countryside, however, later on, in the 1950s tagliatelle may have included eggs. In any case, Dorothy Dale's recipe for fresh pasta, including tagliatelle includes the following incredients: 1 lb. flour, 2 or preferably 3 eggs a pinch of salt and lukewarm water......... Photo: Mary Melfi.

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