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X Italian Pasta Dishes
Macaroni with Tomatoes (with butter, Parmesan and Cheddar)
Originated from: Italy
Occasion: Any time
Contributed by: Taken from "The Cook's Decameron" by W.G. Waters (William Heineman, 1920)

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Water for boiling macaroni

For sauce
Half an onion, fried in butter
A puree of two big cooked tomatoes

For pasta topping
Three tablespoonful of grated Parmesan and Cheddar, mixed

*This dish may be made with vermicelli, spaghetti, or any other Italian pasta


"Fry half an onion slightly in butter, and as soon as it is colored add a puree of two big cooked tomatoes. Then boil quarter of a pound of macaroni separately, drain it and put it in a deep fire-proof dish, add the tomato puree and three tablespoonful of grated Parmesan and Cheddar mixed, and cook gently for a quarter of an hour before serving. This dish may be made with vermicelli, spaghetti, or any other Italian pasta."


This recipe was taken from "The Cook's Decameron: a Study in Taste, containing over two hundred recipes for Italian dishes," by Mrs. W.G. Waters. It was published by William Heineman in 1920. For the entire copyright-free cookbook see www.archive.org. A variety of recipes are available on this website... Photo: Mary Melfi.

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