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X Italian Pasta Dishes
Cavetelli dough (with flour, eggs and water, Version III)
Originated from:
Occasion: Italy and North America
Contributed by: Mrs. Victoria Gurrerre

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For dough
16 oz flour
3 eggs
Water, as much as is needed


o Work ingredients into a soft and malleable dough -- kneading for about half an hour.

o Form into a ball, and place it under a container.

o Let the dough rest for about 4 to 6 hours in a cool place.

o Roll out the dough, and cut the dough into cavetelli.

o Place on linen cloth and dust some flour on them.

o Either freeze the cavetelli for later use, or cook them right away in boiling salted water.


Mrs. Victoria Gurrerre indicated that when she was a very little girl growing up in Ponte de Landolfo, Benevento, Molise, home cooks did not add eggs when they made their cavetelli. However, after her family immigrated to Canada, her mother started to incorporate eggs into her home-made pasta. Photo and notes: Mary Melfi.

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