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X Italian Pasta Dishes
gnocchi of semolina
Gnocchi of Semolina (with milk and butter)
Originated from: Italy
Occasion: Any time
Contributed by: Taken from "Leaves from our Tuscan Kitchen" by Ann Janet Ross (JM Dent & Co., 1900)

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One pint of milk
Four and a half ounces of semolina
Salt to taste
One ounce of butter
Grated Parmesan cheese


"Take one pint of milk, four and a half ounces of semolina and boil; before taking it off the fire, add salt to taste, one ounce of good butter, and three-quarters of an ounce of Parmesan cheese. Before it gets cold mix in two eggs, then pour it out on a dish, spreading it in an even thickness of about three-quarters of an inch. When cold cut it in small square pieces. Pile them one on another in a vegetable dish, adding between each layer one ounce of good butter in bits, and some grated Parmesan cheese (but not on top), put the gnocchi into a hot oven to be slightly browned, and serve hot."


This recipe was taken from "Leaves from our Tuscan Kitchen" by Ann Janet Ross. The book was published by JM Dent & Co. in 1900 (London). For the complete copyright-free cookbook see www.archive.org........ Photo: Mary Melfi.

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