Loin pork, boned and some of its fat should be removed
Fennel leaves, thinly sliced
A few slivers of garlic
Salt and pepper
Directions from previous recipe, for "Pork Loin as cooked in Tuscany"
"Again your loin pork should be boned and some of its fat should be removed before cooking, and before rolling it should be stuck with a fennel leaves, and seasoned with salt and pepper. Roll and tie it and roast in the oven in the usual fashion, allowing 25 to 30 minutes per pound, plus 25 or 30 minutes over. This is excellent allowed to cool and served with a potato salad."
For Pork Loin as cooked in Perugia
"Here, instead of rosemary, fennel leaves are used, and when the meat is cooked and served cold, it is a good touch to serve with it a potato salad with which has been mixed a little thinly sliced fennel."
This recipe was taken from "Italian Cooking" by Dorothy Daly. It was published by Spring Books in Great Britain. For the complete copyright-free cookbook see A variety of recipes can also be found on this website.... Photo: Mary Melfi. |