To serve 4
1 medium sized boiling chicken
1 lb fresh green peas, shelled
Pollo al funghi
1 medium sized boiling chicken
2 ozs. butter
1/2 pint stock or water
1 small onion
1 tablespoon tomato conserve
1/4 lb. mushrooms
"Prepare as for "POLLO AI FUNGHI," but instead of the mush-
rooms add 1 pound of fresh green peas ? weighed after shelling ? and a tablespoonful of chopped parsley - to the broth after the chicken is nearly cooked, and when the peas are cooked, serve the whole in a hot dish."
Pollo al Funghi
"Prepare the chicken for cooking and cut in pieces. Heat the butter in a stewpan and in it cook the chopped onion until yellow. Lightly flour the chicken and fry in the butter until brown on all sides ; salt to taste and add the stock and the tomato conserve diluted with a little stock. Cover and cook slowly for two hours or until the chicken is tender; lift the chicken from the gravy, and keep hot; meanwhile, clean the mushrooms and cut small, add them to the gravy and cook for ten minutes, then return the chicken to the stewpan, and when it has been in the gravy long enough for it to have come to the boil, serve in a hot dish."
This recipe was taken from "Italian Cooking" by Dorothy Daly. It was published by Spring Books in Great Britain. For the complete copyright-free cookbook see A variety of recipes can also be found on this website.... Photo: Mary Melfi. |