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X Italian Breads and Pizzas
Torta con i cicoli
Torta con i cicoli (Italian flat bread flavored with pork cracklings)
Originated from: Italy
Occasion: Any time
Contributed by: Taken from "Libro di Cucina" Italian Wikibooks

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for 4 to 6 people
5 kg (about 10 pounds) of flour
salt to taste
baking soda to taste
water as needed
cicoli [pork cracklings]

Ingredienti (original Italian text)
per 4/6 persone
5 kg di farina
sale q.b
bicarbonato q.b
acqua q.b


Put the flour on a work surface, pour in the center of all the ingredients and knead.

Grease a pan with lard and spread the mixture with your hands.

Bake for about half an hour.

Preparazione (Original Italian text)

Mettere la farina a fontana sulla spianatoia; versare al centro tutti gli ingredienti ed impastare.

Ungere un tegame con lo strutto e stendere con le mani il composto.

Infornare e cuocere per circa mezz'ora.


Photo: Mary Melfi.

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