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X Italian Breads and Pizzas
Panini al cioccolato
Panini al cioccolato (Fresh yeast dough buns mixed with chocolate chips)
Originated from: Italy
Occasion: Any time & special times
Contributed by: Taken from "Libro di Cucina" Italian Wikibooks

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for 16 small buns
1 serving of fresh yeast dough (using lard for shortening) after the first rising
128 g (about 5 1/4 ounces) dark chocolate chips

For dusting
Icing sugar (optional)

per 16 panini (Original Italian text)
1 impasto di pane allo strutto dopo la prima lievitazione
128 g cioccolato fondente in scaglie


Divide the fresh dough for bread (which has already risen or doubled in volume) into four portions.

Sprinkle a quarter of the chocolate chips on the first portion of dough, then cover it with another portion dough, and add another an quarter of the chocolate chips, and so on, superimposing the dough, and distributing the chocolate evenly.

Divide the dough into 16 parts, form small round-shaped buns, place them on a baking sheet covered with wet paper towels and let rise for about 1 hour.

Bake at 220 C degrees (about 400 degrees f) for 15 minutes.

Remove from oven, let cool on a wire rack.

If necessary, sprinkle the buns with powdered sugar.


Instead of adding the chocolate to the whole mixture, the dough can be divided into 16 parts, and mixed with chocolate chips, the individual paninetti with 8 g of chocolate chips each, using a similar technique as previously described.

Preparazione (original Italian text)

Dividere l'impasto in quattro parti.

Prenderne una parte, schiacciarla, cospargerla con un quarto del cioccolato, sovrapporre un'altra parte di impasto, cioccolato, eccetera.

Tagliare a meta, sovrapporre le due meta, schiacciare

Tagliare nuovamente, sovrapporre, schiacciare e lavorare brevemente in modo da distribuire il cioccolato in modo uniforme.

Dividere in 16 parti, formare dei paninetti rotondi, disporli su una teglia coperti con carta da cucina bagnata e far lievitare per circa 1 ora.

Infornare a 220 gradi per 15 minuti.

Sfornare, lasciar raffreddare su una griglia.

Eventualmente spolverare con zucchero a velo.


Anzichi aggiungere il cioccolato a tutto l'impasto, lo si pui dividere in 16 parti e quindi farcire, con tecnica simile, i singoli paninetti con 8 g di cioccolato l'uno.


Recipe, Italian Wikibooks. Photo: Mary Melfi.

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