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X Italian Breads and Pizzas
Pizza -- Italian Wikibook Recipe, Wikipedia Notes on its History & Forms
Originated from: Italy
Occasion: Any time
Contributed by: Taken from Italian Wikipedia

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1 kg of flour of wheat: 0 or 00
10-20 gr. of iodized salt
oil extra virgin olive oil: 30-50 gr.
10 gr. of yeast to increase or decrease depending on the ambient temperature (winter: 15-20 gr.; summer: 5 gr.).

Traditional Neapolitan pizza:
Tomato, mozzarella, oregano and garlic, salt, a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil, a few leaves of basil

Ingredienti (Original Italian text)
1 Kg. di farina di grano tenero: 0 oppure 00 (gli 0 indicano la percentuale di ceneri residue)
10-20 gr. di sale marino iodato
olio extravergine d'oliva: 30-50 gr.
10 gr. di lievito di birra da aumentare o diminuire in base alla temperatura ambientale (inverno: 15-20 gr.; estate: 5 gr.)

La tradizionale pizza napoletana
Pomodoro, origano ed aglio, sale ed un filo d'olio extravergine d'oliva, mozzarella, aggiungete qualche foglia di basilico


Temperature environment: 22-23 C;

from 500 to 550 ml. water about 18-20 C.

The amount of water depends on the absorbency of the flour, environmental humidity, how much you want soft dough (the more soft and better working).

1 kg of flour of wheat : 0 or 00 (the 0 indicates the percentage of residual). With 0 gives a more rustic. What matters in the flour is his bread making factor. We'll talk later.

10-20 gr. of iodized salt;

oil extra virgin olive oil: 30-50 gr.

Salt and oil are essential for the formation of the gluten network of the dough. If you prefer a crispy dough used vegetable oil. But in the summer or with long leavening is best extra virgin olive oil because it has low acidity and thereby lowers the acidity of the dough rise.

10 gr. of yeast to increase or decrease depending on the ambient temperature (winter: 15-20 gr.; summer: 5 gr.).

And finally, depending on your tastes, choose the toppings.

Pizza Americana


Crumble the yeast into a bowl or bowl, pour the water and oil and melt the yeast (if you use an electric mixer or a robot of kitchen, put the oil in the end, the mix is ​​completed, a few minutes before to remove the dough).

Add half the flour and begin to knead. After all amalgamated and got a semi-liquid mixture, add the remaining flour and salt (if you put the salt before, in contact with the yeast inhibits the activity).

Continue to knead and get a more or less compact amalgam and empty it (if you are working by hand) on a flat surface and begin to knead the dough vigorously without tearing but always on herself. Adjusted with small amounts of flour during processing to get a smooth and soft. If you used a weak flour a 20 minute work by hand and 10 with the robot. If you have a strong flour you have to work for at least 40 minutes by hand and 20 with the robot.

At this point you should have gotten a nice smooth ball of dough, and soft, which is important, "glossy". Let rest your artwork for 30 minutes covered with a damp cloth (water fresh and always the optimal temperature of 22 C).

After 30 minutes, obtained from mixing cakes circular weight that best suits the type of pizza you want to get. For the pizza pan (a baking oven type home 40x40 cm) are fine loaves of 700-800 gr., But then based on how much you want the pizza is high.

To make pizzas in a wood oven type "Neapolitan" the measure is about 200-220 gr. Now we need to let it rise and mature. In fact, in order to obtain the finished product ready to be fired are still two processes: the leavening and maturation. These two processes do not proceed at the same rate and the higher the factor baking flour over these processes diverge!

At 22 C, with 5 gr. yeast takes about 5 hours


Consists in the formation of the dough, the gluten network and depends on the processing of protein gluten in the flour. This process requires time proportional to the "strength" of flour, that is his bread making quality factor which is technically indicated by a coefficient W.


Flour common: curing time: 3-4 hours (so very close to the rising time). Little flour reinforced: curing time: 4-8 hours (here the timing of maturation and fermentation begin to diverge). Flour reinforced: W = 250-300, curing time: 8-12 hours. Strong flours: W = 300-400, curing time from 12 to 24 hours. To lengthen the time that the dough without yeast too just put the balls in the fridge: at a temperature of 4-6 C, the rise almost stops, and the dough has time to "mature." If you have used Manitoba flour, let the dough rest in the refrigerator for 24 hours. If you have used normal flour are just 4 hours. WARNING: bring it back to room temperature by keeping the balls out of the refrigerator for at least 3 hours. At this point the dough can be said to be ready. The higher the factor of bread making, more will be good because the pizza dough will be rich in the elements of processing of protein. But be careful: you must respect the maturation time! In fact, if not mature enough, the dough will still contain unprocessed protein and therefore will be heavy to digest a pizza perfectly matured instead literally "melts in your mouth."

TIP: buy flour pure (it is in the best supermarkets or the baker) and get with normal flour mixtures to vary the timing of maturation. With half and half flour normal get the following equation: W = W = 400 + 200 = 600 divided by 2, which makes 300. You've got a meal with W = 300 which requires 12 hours of maturation. Simple is not it.

Preparing the disk

When the loaves have risen, on a floured surface until you obtain records of about half a centimeter in height. You can help with a rolling pin, but a professional pizza chef uses only his hands begin stretching the dough with your fingertips and continue pulling the pizza, slapping , raising it and then slamming on the floor, rotating and alternating these movements until you get a thick round disk homogeneous.


Pizza with plenty of mozzarella

The traditional Neapolitan pizza requires a dressing of tomato, oregano and garlic, salt and a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil. However, at present the pizza par excellence is the daisy. To achieve the tomato spread out with a spoon leaving a thin margin at the edge of the disc, sprinkle with diced mozzarella , add a few leaves of basil, salt and a little olive oil. However, you can dress the pizza in countless ways, because that probably contributed to the considerable success of this dish.


The cooking of the pizza is essential for optimal performance of the dish. The pizza should be cooked in a brick oven fueled by wood. The refractory bricks contribute to the sealing of stable temperature of the oven, and create the typical crispy crust on the underside of the pizza. With a wooden paddle from the tapered edge, on the pizza with your fingers, or with the more practical thin steel blade, it will put the pizza in the oven, leaving slip on brick background. Then from time to time it will rotate with the Palino of metal to expose all sides to the heat of the glowing wood. It is true that the wood gives a special flavor: there is no transmission of odors from wood to pizza. The olive wood is ideal for compact, high power to produce heat and able to burn continuously without crackling. The important thing is that the temperature must be high: 400-500 C and it is this that makes the difference with electric oven and various urban legends about alleged aromas that would be transmitted to the pizza from the wood. The higher the temperature will be softer pizza and mozzarella will not come out cooked (brown) but only dissolved (white and stringy).

In an oven so the pizza dough and if well matured, cook 2 minutes. It is clear that they can not be put in the oven at the same time many pizzas: you would not have time to turn them and some will burn. Working with the hot oven and move well pizzas in the oven require speed, determination and knowledge of the thermal behavior of the oven: better to start with one or two pizzas only. The Palino also serves to monitor the bottom of the pizza: if it is raw move the pizza on another portion of the floor of the oven; if the oven is very hot keep the pizza at the same site and only rotate on itself. During cooking, the disk will not have it covered with the seasoning will rise slightly, creating the so-called cord (or ledge ).

If you want to implement it in a pan in the oven at home you will need to hold it for about 15 minutes at the highest temperature (280 C usually with oven preheated) possibly with a convection oven. In this case, the pizza is topped with all the ingredients except the mozzarella that must be added in a few minutes by thorough cooking. Otherwise, the cheese will burn.

Time to eat!

Pizza cut into wedges

Out of the oven, the pizza still dressed with a little olive oil and put it in the pot. Obviously you will need a dish for pizza, borderless and wider than a dinner plate. If you do not have it you can enjoy pizza in the traditional way by folding wallet, folding it twice on itself and wrapping it in a paper towel.

Original Italian text


Temperatura ambientale: 22-23 ?C;

da 500 a 550 ml. di acqua intorno ai 18-20 ?C; la quantit? di acqua dipende dal potere assorbente della farina, dall'umidit? ambientale, da quanto volete morbido l'impasto (pi? ? morbido e meglio si lavora).

1 Kg. di farina di grano tenero: 0 oppure 00 (gli 0 indicano la percentuale di ceneri residue). Con la 0 si ottiene un prodotto pi? rustico. Quello che conta nella farina ? il suo fattore di panificabilit?. Ne parleremo in seguito.

10-20 gr. di sale marino iodato ;

olio extravergine d'oliva: 30-50 gr.

Sale ed olio sono fondamentali per la formazione della maglia glutinica dell'impasto. Se preferite un impasto croccante usate olio di semi. Ma d'estate o con lunghe lievitazioni ? meglio l'extravergine perch? ha bassa acidit? e quindi abbassa l'acidit? della lievitazione dell'impasto.

10 gr. di lievito di birra da aumentare o diminuire in base alla temperatura ambientale (inverno: 15-20 gr.; estate: 5 gr.). E, infine, a seconda dei propri gusti, scegliere gli ingredienti aggiuntivi.

Pizza Americana

Preparazione dell'impasto

Sbriciolare il lievito di birra in una ciotola o terrina, versare l'acqua e l'olio e far sciogliere il lievito (se usate una impastatrice elettrica o un robot di cucina, l'olio mettetelo alla fine, ad impasto ultimato, pochi minuti prima di togliere l'impasto). Aggiungere met? della farina e iniziare ad impastare. Dopo aver amalgamato tutto e ottenuto un composto semiliquido, aggiungere il resto della farina e il sale (se mettete il sale prima, a contatto col lievito ne inibisce l'attivit?).

Continuate a impastare e ottenete un amalgama pi? o meno compatto e svuotatelo (se lavorate a mano) su una superficie liscia e cominciate a impastare energicamente senza strappare la pasta ma riavvolgendola sempre su se stessa. Aggiustate con piccole quantit? di farina durante la lavorazione per ottenere un impasto liscio e morbido. Se avete usato una farina debole sono sufficienti 20 minuti di lavorazione a mano e 10 con il robot. Se avete una farina forte (manitoba, per esempio) dovete lavorare per almeno 40 minuti a mano e 20 con il robot.

A questo punto dovreste aver ottenuto una palla di pasta bella liscia, morbida e, fattore importante, "lucida". Fate riposare la vostra opera d'arte per 30 minuti coperta con un panno umido (di acqua fresca e sempre alla temperatura ambiente ideale di 22 ?C). Trascorsi 30 minuti, ricavate dall'impasto panetti circolari del peso che pi? si addice al tipo di pizza che volete ottenere. Per la pizza in teglia (una teglia tipo da forno casalingo 40x40 cm) vanno bene panetti di 700-800 gr., ma poi regolatevi in base a quanto volete la pizza sia alta. Per pizze da fare al forno a legna tipo "napoletana" la misura ? di circa 200-220 gr. Ora bisogna lasciare lievitare e maturare. Infatti, per ottenere il prodotto finito e pronto per essere infornato mancano ancora due processi: la lievitazione e la maturazione. Questi due processi non procedono alla stessa velocit? e pi? ? alto il fattore di panificazione della farina pi? questi due processi divergono!


A 22? C, con 5 gr. di lievito occorrono circa 5 ore


Consiste nella formazione della pasta, della maglia glutinica e dipende dalla trasformazione delle proteine della farina in glutine. Tale processo richiede un tempo direttamente proporzionale alla "forza" della farina, cio? al suo fattore di panificabilit? che viene tecnicamente indicato con un coefficiente W.


Farine comuni: tempo di maturazione: 3-4 ore (quindi molto vicino al tempo di lievitazione). Farine poco rinforzate: tempo di maturazione: 4-8 ore (qua i tempi di maturazione e lievitazione iniziano a divergere). Farine rinforzate: W = 250-300, tempo di maturazione: 8-12 ore. Farine forti: W = 300-400, tempo di maturazione dalle 12 alle 24 ore.

Per allungare i tempi senza che l'impasto lieviti troppo ? sufficiente mettere i panetti in frigo: ad una temperatura di 4-6 ?C la lievitazione quasi si ferma, e la pasta ha il tempo di "maturare". Se avete usato farina Manitoba, lasciate riposare in frigo la pasta per 24 ore. Se avete usato farina normale sono sufficienti 4 ore. ATTENZIONE: fate ritornare a temperatura ambiente i panetti tenendoli fuori dal frigo per almeno 3 ore. A questo punto la pasta pu? dirsi pronta.

Pi? ? alto il fattore di panificabilit?, pi? buona sar? la pizza perch? la pasta sar? ricca di elementi di trasformazione delle proteine. Ma attenzione: occorre rispettare i tempi di maturazione! Infatti, se non matura abbastanza, l'impasto conterr? ancora proteine non trasformate e di conseguenza sar? pesante da digerire: una pizza perfettamente maturata invece letteralmente "si scioglie in bocca".

CONSIGLIO: acquistate farina Manitoba pura (si trova nei migliori supermercati o dal panettiere) e ottenete miscele con farina normale per variare i tempi di maturazione. Con met? Manitoba e met? farina normale ottenete la seguente equazione: W=400 + W=200 = 600 che diviso 2 fa 300. Avete ottenuto una farina con W=300 che richiede 12 ore circa di maturazione. Semplice no?

Preparazione del disco

Quando i panetti sono lievitati, allargateli su un piano infarinato fino ad ottenere dei dischi di circa mezzo centimetro di altezza. Potete aiutarvi con un mattarello, ma un pizzaiolo professionista usa solo le mani: comincer? stendendo la pasta con i polpastrelli e continuer? tirando la pizza, schiaffeggiandola, sollevandola e poi sbattendola sul piano, ruotandola ed alternando questi movimenti fino ad ottenere un disco rotondo di spessore omogeneo.


Pizza con abbondante mozzarella

La tradizionale pizza napoletana prevede un condimento di pomodoro, origano ed aglio, sale ed un filo d'olio extravergine d'oliva. Tuttavia ad oggi la pizza per antonomasia ? la margherita. Per realizzarla stendete il pomodoro con un cucchiaio lasciando un sottile margine ai bordi del disco, cospargetelo di cubetti di mozzarella, aggiungete qualche foglia di basilico, sale ed un filo d'olio. ? comunque possibile condire la pizza in innumerevoli modi, ragione che probabilmente ha contribuito alla notevole fortuna di questo piatto.


La cottura della pizza ? fondamentale per la riuscita ottimale del piatto. La pizza andrebbe cotta in un forno di mattoni alimentato a legna. I mattoni refrattari contribuiscono alla tenuta della temperatura stabile del forno, e creano la tipica crosticina abbrustolita sul lato inferiore della pizza. Con una pala di legno dal bordo rastremato, tirandoci sopra con le dita la pizza, oppure con la pi? pratica pala sottile d'acciaio, si metter? la pizza nel forno lasciandola scivolare sul fondo di mattoni. Poi di tanto in tanto la si ruoter? con il palino di metallo per esporre tutti i lati al calore del legno incandescente.

Non ? vero che la legna dona un aroma particolare: non vi ? trasmissione di odori dalla legna alla pizza. La legna ideale ? quella di ulivo perch? compatta, con alto potere di produrre calore e capace di bruciare costantemente senza scoppiettare. L'importante ? la temperatura che deve essere alta: 400-500 ?C ed ? questa che fa la differenza col forno elettrico e non le varie leggende metropolitane su presunti aromi che si trasmetterebbero dalla legna alla pizza. Pi? ? alta la temperatura pi? risulter? morbida la pizza e la mozzarella non uscir? cotta (marrone) ma solo sciolta (bianca e filante).

In un forno cos? la pizza, se ben lievitata e maturata, cuoce in 2 minuti. Si evince che non possono essere messe nel forno a legna molte pizze contemporaneamente: non si farebbe in tempo a rigirarle e qualcuna si brucerebbe. Lavorare col forno caldo e muovere bene le pizze nel forno richiedono rapidit?, decisione e conoscenza del comportamento termico del forno: meglio iniziare con una o due pizze soltanto. Il palino serve anche a controllare il fondo della pizza: se ? crudo spostare la pizza su un'altra porzione del pavimento del forno; se il forno ? molto caldo tenere la pizza nella stessa sede e ruotarla solo su se stessa. Durante la cottura la parte del disco che non avrete coperto col condimento si sollever? leggermente, creando il cosidetto cordone (o cornicione).

Se volete realizzarla in teglia nel forno di casa dovrete tenerla per circa 15 minuti alla massima temperatura (280 ?C di solito, con forno gi? preriscaldato) possibilmente con forno ventilato. In questo caso la pizza va condita con tutti gli ingredienti meno la mozzarella che va aggiunta a pochi minuti dalla cottura completa. In caso contrario la mozzarella si brucer?.

A tavola!

Pizza tagliata a spicchi

Uscita dal forno, condite la pizza ancora con un filo d'olio e mettetela nel piatto. Ovviamente vi servir? un piatto per la pizza, senza bordi e pi? ampio rispetto ad un piatto piano. Se non lo avete potete gustare la pizza nel modo tradizionale piegandola a portafoglio, ripiegandola due volte su se stessa ed avvolgendola in un tovagliolo di carta.


The following text was taken from Italian Wikipedia (Machine google translation). The pizza is a product gourmet who has based a mixture of water, wheat flour and yeast, that after a rise of at least twenty-four hours is worked up to get a flat, baked and variously flavored.... The etymology of the name "pizza" (which in any case, however, is not necessarily linked, the origin of the product) is calculated according to some, by pinsa , "tpinsa" or "tpansa" (from the Neapolitan dialect ), past participle of the verb to the Latin pinsere or the verb "pansere", that is, pound, crush, press or pita Mediterranean and the Balkans, of Greek origin or simply Slavic, according to this hypothesis derives from the word ' Jewish פִּתָּה or פיתה , from ' Arab كماج and greek πίτα , which also pita , which belongs to the same type of bread or buns. More recent studies accredit, besides Greek origin, although other hypotheses, that the word derives from Germanic ( Lombard , or Gothic ) of ' High German in Italy Bizzo-lace (which in modern German Bissen " bite "," bread "," piece of cake "). This hypothesis would also be confirmed from the diffusion of the original word, which would coincide with the kingdom and the duchies of Benevento and Spoleto . However, the widespread presence in the area of the Balkans of pita, J. induces Kramer, reported the same source, searching the greek πίτα of Italian origin " pita ", which then" pizza "for crossing with" piece "or" crazy. " More recently (2007) Mario Alinei scholars have proposed and Ephraim Nissan Semitic etymology of the word "pizza" . It seems certain, however, that luck today the word "pizza" is from the Neapolitan dialect and the Campania region. In fact, these arguments seem contradictory, but being a food so popular etymology and the original of this archaic word is not clear. The debate among the top scholars is still open and concerns about the arguments presented. To learn more, see the entry History of pizza. The pizza has a long, complex and uncertain. The first written records of the word "pizza" dates back to the vulgar Latin of Gaeta in 997 . Already in antiquity, however, flattened cakes, leavened or not, flourished among the Egyptians, the Greeks ( maza ) and Romans ( offa and placenta ). Although this is now a common product in most of the world, pizza is generally considered an original dish of Italian cuisine and especially Naples . In common feeling, in fact, this term refers to the round pizza topped with tomato and mozzarella , which is the best known variant of the so-called Neapolitan pizza , the Margherita pizza . The real origin of the peak is controversial, however: in addition to Naples and other cities claim its authorship. There is, moreover, a broader meaning of the word "pizza". Since they are in the final analysis of a particular kind of bread or focaccia, pizza comes in countless variations and derivations, changing the name and characteristics according to different local traditions. In particular, in some areas of the ' central Italy , is called "pizza" any kind of cake baked, salty or sweet and high or low it is..... Different models for preparing.... ROUND PIZZA Round pizza served in the pot already, and cut into four wedges. For the round pizza dough, previously pushed in single portions, is spread in the form of disc, variously seasoned and baked in contact with the floor of a hot oven . She is best known and consumed in the world and is also precisely this classic pizza or pizza. Typical in different Italian regional cuisines, has become famous as a specialty of Neapolitan cuisine. The city of Naples has in fact played an important role in the history of pizza, creating and exporting this specialty that is now the most widespread in the world (see sect. "Where do you eat pizza"). For this reason, it still uses the term "pizza" as a synonym for "round pizza" even if its characteristics are often different from those of the Neapolitan tradition. Especially outside of Italy instead of bread dough mixes you often use more fat and sometimes sweet, the sauce is always plentiful and varied considerably according to local customs. The preparation of the dough in the form of disc can be done with the use of the rolling pin or, preferably, by hand by rotating and pulling the balls of dough leavened above a work surface or with air maneuvers. Specialists of the latter method are the acrobatic pizza makers ..... PIZZA IN TRASTEVERE For pizza or pizza pan over the dough is rolled out, seasoned and cooked in large pans of metal round or rectangular, then put on show to be sold by weight chosen by the customer or at home, eaten in slices. The sale of this variety of pizza that has spread beyond the pizzerias true, even in the bakeries. Since the pizza pan must be kept on display and may require the use of heated aqueous mixtures very well in these conditions will not dry out but give the best of taste. To this end are used strong flours and special regeneration processes that add to the mixtures a higher percentage of water, up to 90%. This also has an advantage from the economic point of view being the pizza sold in some cases by weight (this method is for example the most widespread in the city of Rome). PIZZA SHOVEL The pizza shovel, like the pizza pan, pizza is a large on display and sold by weight but his cooking is, like the round pizza directly on the oven floor. One of its variants is the pizza by the meter.Different models for geographical origin PIZZA GENOVESE. To learn more, see the entry from Genoa Pizza . The Genoese pizza is pizza dough by baking rather high and soft, made ​​with wheat flour, water, salt, yeast, and sometimes a little milk. After rising is applied with the hands directly into the pan and baked in the oven, preferably wood. Derived from focaccia Genovese . "TRUE" NEAPOLITAN PIZZA To learn more, see the entry Neapolitan Pizza. A wood-burning oven. Typical and unique ways to cook pizza The pizza is the only type of Italian pizza recognized at national and European level. From 4 February 2010 , in fact, is officially recognized as a traditional specialty guaranteed in the European Community. It looks like a pizza dough by rounded edges and soft top (cornice). This swelling of the cornice is due to air, which during the handling of the dough moves from the center outwards. Classic Neapolitan dough is not allowed any kind of fat. Only water, flour, yeast (brewer's or natural) and salt. In the closest tradition provides for only two variants as regards the seasoning: PIZZA MARINARA: with tomato , garlic , oregano and extra virgin olive oil . Margherita Pizza : with tomato , mozzarella TSG strips, Mozzarella di Bufala Campana DOP or cubed mozzarella , basil and extra virgin olive oil. The cooking of the pizza, finally, is always and exclusively through the use of the oven and then never using other cooking methods such as the electric furnace. Today, pizza is one of the most common dishes in the world and is present in nearly all restaurants and local Italian cuisine abroad as pizza or pizza Naples. In 2011, the pizza was made ​​by Italy as a candidate for the recognition of UNESCO as an intangible heritage of humanity. SICILIAN PIZZA To learn more, see the entry Sicilian Pizza.In Sicily there are several variants linked to rural culinary tradition that is very different from the pizza itself. In Palermo the spread sfinciuni , with soft focaccia bread crumbs , onion , cheese and 'strattu that keeps the tomatoes dried in the sun. At Catania is widespread daily use of the banished, originally, in the eighteenth century, only during the Christmas period, formed by a first layer of dough, Tuma and anchovies, or the version of the village , with potatoes, sausage, broccoli, black pepper, tomato and Tuma. In both cases, ends with a second layer of dough, and baked after a brushed of egg. In the province of Catania , species Zafferana and Viagrande , the typical Sicilian pizza, a calzone fried soft pastry filled with cheese, anchovies, mushrooms and other ingredients. In the Province of Syracuse , especially in the towns of Solarino and Sortino , you can enjoy pizz?lu , a kind of stuffed pizza round. In the province of Messina is cooked the traditional piduni, small fried or baked calzone stuffed with vegetables and is also present the cake to Messina , which is traditionally prepared in a pan with vegetables, cheese, tomatoes and anchovies. In Ragusa preparing the casts . PIZZA FOGGIA The kitchen Foggia, while retaining elements of traditional Apulian, has received great influence from the tradition of Neapolitan cuisine. For this reason, the characteristics of the pizza Foggia are almost identical, at least in appearance, to that Neapolitan ; strictly cooked in a wood oven, round shape, soft and from the edges rather high with the difference that is used as the typical one of the tomato Tavoliere..... ROMAN PIZZA The Roman pizza is a round pizza from the dough very thin and crispy. The dough is made ​​with wheat flour type 00 or 0, water, yeast (or sourdough), olive oil (or to get a pizza crisper using the seed oil) and salt in proportions such that it is hard and firm, so often necessary to make the writing with the rolling pin . Spread from just the capital only after the last war, called Napoli variant spices with tomato, mozzarella and anchovies. The traditional Roman cookery books, which seem to corroborate the version with anchovies is a custom of their own capital, the Roman pizza, according to the same recipe, should also include shredded basil, pecorino cheese and pepper. Other...... PIZZA CHICAGO-STYLE In Naples, the so-called closed pizza , pizza that is well seasoned and covered by the same dough, was also called calzone , but later other calzone with a variety of different types of pasta are been designed and prepared in neighboring Puglia , which is why your calzone to oven has become a de facto culinary another product. Also in Calabria is preparing something similar when you bake the bread. Species in the past, together with bread "normal" for the family, it was often a chjina pitta (Pitta stuffed, where pitta is a general name for a loaf of bread). This product has the appearance of a pizza closed, ie formed by two layers of dough with the filling inside them. In Sardinia, the local variant is called panada , pizza and soft stuffed thick paste of various ingredients such as tomatoes, eggplant, zucchini, mushrooms, lamb, fish (especially the tempting alternative to the eels ). The original recipe calls for it, once the baking oven, the panada be anointed with a drizzle of extra virgin hot and then allowed to stand. A small closed pizza is panzerotto , which can be baked or fried in a pan. While overseas the pizza has had its evolution up to the pizza plan characterized by its softness and the high seasoning. Not seldom are added to the mix butter or margarine (or other types of fat) and sugar. In the last years of the twentieth century has been working out even the pizza without gluten , prepared from wheat flour is not suitable for those suffering from celiac disease.............. Nutritional Just bake pizzas in a wood oven The most famous pizza, pizza margherita, contains various nutrients: the carbohydrates in the form of starch (in flour ), the lipids of plants' extra virgin olive oil and the animals of the buffalo mozzarella or fior di latte , animal protein (even mozzarella. But these undoubted quality should not be forgotten that the pizza is a food suitable for any low calorie diet: a daisy weighing 300 grams. gives an intake of 800 calories which are very biased in favor of carbohydrates (about 75%)..... DOUGH Very important in the pizza, as well as the quality of the ingredients, is the right maturation and leavening . The maturation process is necessary so that the ' starch content in flour (polysaccharide) is by some enzymes (alpha and beta amylase) split into simple sugars, this makes the pizza, well matured, proves indigestible. While the yeast in the dough does its job producing carbon dioxide and noble gases, hence, proving, that the doubling of the volume that occurs in the dough..........Where you eat the pizza To learn more, see the entry Pizzeria . Brazilian Pizza/ North American Pizza The places where food is consumed and the pizza called pizza.The oldest pizzeria Port'Alba, in the historical center of Naples , is valued as the first pizzeria in the world. Because of the strong immigration and Italian influence, the city with the highest consumption of pizza in the world is the city of New York followed by Sao Paulo in Brazil with 30 million pizzas a month. [9] In this town the pizzas are often derived from seals food locally, as the palmito and catupiry, cream cheese. In the United States and in various parts of the world there are many pizza chains, one of the largest chains in the franchise is Pizza Hut , which opened its restaurants in 86 countries around the world, but not in Italy. Since 1999 has been active in Italy chain Spizzico, connected to the brand Autogrill , which proposes a concept midway between the pizzeria and the fast-food typical of North America . In Spain and Portugal is popular Telepizza, which also makes home deliveries. The pizza was welcomed in Asia. For example, in Japan , where in addition to the pizza of the great American chains, and new forms of local pizza, you can also find pizza Italian craftsmanship produced according to quality standards...... Legislation In Italy there is a bill before Parliament to safeguard the traditional Italian pizza, specifying the permitted ingredients and methods of treatment (eg, excluding frozen pizzas). Only pizzas which followed these guidelines, you can call "traditional Italian pizza." On 9 December 2009 the European Union, at the request of the Italian parliament has granted the designation of Traditional Specialty Guaranteed (TSG) to safeguard the traditional Neapolitan pizza, especially the "Margherita" and "Marine". The European Union has enacted a protected designation of origin system in 1990.........Record The largest pizza ever made ​​is the hypermarket Norwood Pick 'n Pay ( Johannesburg , South Africa ). According to the Guinness Book of Records the pizza - prepared in 1990 with 500 kg of flour, 800 kg of cheese and 900 kg of tomato sauce - had a diameter of over 37 meters A Feltham, London, the new record for the farthest pizza delivery is up to Lucy Clough. A vegetarian pizza was cooked November 17, 2004 and has covered a distance of 16949 km to be delivered in Ramsey Street, Melbourne, November 19, 2004. The record is present in the 2006 Guinness Book of Records The Louis XIII Pizza for 2 people costs 8300.00 Pizza Royale 007 created in New York costs 3000.00........... Notes & Images, courtesy of Italian Wikipedia.

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