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Taralli Dolci
Biscotti con lo Zucchero (Sweet taralli, without yeast, with vegetable oil, eggs and sugar; boiled and baked)
Originated from: Casacalenda, Molise, Italy
Occasion: Any time & special times
Contributed by: Pierina Rinaldi (her mother's recipe)

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12 eggs
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup vegetable oil
Flour as much as needed

A pot of boiling water for cooking taralli


o Beat eggs, sugar and oil.

o Slowly add four and work into a malleable taralli dough, kneading the dough with the palms of your hands.

o Shape into a ball, and cut out pieces of dough, long enough to make a medium-sized taralli -- about 11 inches log and 1/2 inch thick. Form a circle with the taralli log, pinching the ends together.

o Keep processing the dough until all the taralli are made.

o Bring a pot of water to boil.

o Place one or two taralli in the water at a time and remove as soon as the taralli rise to the surface.

o Preheat oven to 350 F degrees.

o Place the boiled taralli directly on the oven rack -- top end.

o Bake until the taralli are golden brown.

o Remove and cool.

o Serve at room temperature.


Pierina Rinaldi noted that her late mother used to call this style of taralli "biscotti con zucchero," "biscotti with sugar" which distinquished them from "biscotti con sale," "biscotti with salt," a recipe, which she also made. However, nowadays everyone in Pierina's family calls these "biscotti con zucchero," "taralli" and because they do not taste sweet, no one thinks of them as "taralli dolci." In Pierina's family only those taralli that are topped with icing are thought of as "taralli dolci." Photo: Mary Melfi.

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