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Taralli Dolci
biscotti con le uova
Biscotti con le uova/ Mescotte che ll'ove (Sweet taralli, no yeast and no shortening; with eggs; boiled and baked)
Originated from: Riccia, Molise
Occasion: La Devozione di San Giuseppe/ St. Joseph's Day
Contributed by: Courtesy of Accademia Italiana Della Cucina, Delegazione di Campobasso, a cura del Delegato, Anna Maria Lombardi

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Biscuits with eggs "Mescotte ll'ove" (Ingredients for 4 pieces)

4 eggs
4 tablespoons sugar
Flour, as much as is needed
A pinch of salt
Original Italian Recipe
Biscotti con le uova "Mescotte che ll'ove"
Ingredienti per 4 ps.:
4 uova
4 cucchiai di zucchero
Q.b. [quanto basta] di farina
Un pizzico di sale


o Mix eggs with sugar and salt. Add as much flour as is needed to obtain a smooth texture.

o Divide the dough into small pieces, and with each, first make a form of cylinder, then a circle.

o Dip 1 biscuit at a time in boiling water for about 5 minutes.

o Let the biscuits dry, then place them in a greased pan and bake for about 30 minutes.

Original Italian Text:

Amalgamare le uova con lo zucchero ed il sale, aggiungendo la farina che occorre per ottenere una consistenza morbida ma sostenuta. Dividere l'impasto ottenuto in tanti piccoli pezzi e, con ognuno, formare prima dei cilindretti e chiunderli, poi, a cerchio. Immergere 1 biscotti cosi formati in acqua bolente per 5'. Farli asciugare, disporli in una teglia unta e infornarli a 180 per circa 30 '.


The recipe shown in this entry comes from the pamphlet entitled: "La Devozione di S. Giuseppe a Riccia (Ficette Familiglia Iapalucci). It was put together by the "Accademia Italiana Della Cucina, Instituzione Culturale della Repubblica Italiana, Delegazione di Campobasso," under the direction (a cura del Delegato) Anna Maria Lombardi. The feast day banquet was prepared and presented at the "Hotel Ristorante, "Iapallucci", C. da Escamare, 507 S.S. 21 - Riccia (CB) on the 28th of March 2010. For the introductory notes published in this pamphlet please see the category, "Lists of Traditional Foods from Molise" -- Saint Joseph's Day -- History -- Accademia Italiana Della Cucina." The entire menu presented at the Hotel Ristorante for the Feast Day of Saint Joseph can also be found in the same entry in this category. Photo: Mary Melfi.

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