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Puddings and Creams
Zuccata (Stewed pumpkin sweetened with sugar, flavored with cinnamon)
Originated from: Sicily, Italy
Occasion: Any time
Contributed by: Taken from "Libro di Cucina" Italian Wikibooks

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1 kg (about 2 pounds) pumpkin
1 kg (about 2 pounds) of sugar
cinnamon to taste
salt to taste

Ingredienti (Original Italian text)
1 kg di zucca gialla
1 kg di zucchero
cannella q.b.
sale q.b.


Clean the pumpkin removing the seeds and peel, cut into large pieces and let it boil in a solution of water and salt for about 1 hour.


Cut into pieces, put it in a pot with abundant sugar and cinnamon and cook until all the sugar is absorbed.


Preparazione (Original Italian text)

Pulite la zucca togliendo i semi e la buccia, tagliatela in pezzi grossi e lasciatela bollire in una soluzione di acqua e sale per circa 1 ora.

Dissalare la zucca ponendonla sotto acqua corrente, sgocciolatela sino a che perfettamente asciutta.

Tagliatela in pezzi grossi, mettetela in pentola insieme allo zucchero e ad abbondante cannella, lasciando cuocere finch tutto lo zucchero non viene assorbito.

Fate infine raffreddare.


The following text was taken from Wikibooks (Machine google translation): "The zuccata is a typical product of Sicilian-based pastry using pumpkin. Mainly used to decorate the cassata..... Original Italian text: "La zuccata un tipico prodotto della pasticceria siciliana a base di zucca candita. Usata prevalentemente per decorare la cassata."..... Photo: Mary Melfi.

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