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Puddings and Creams
Sabayon/Zabaione (with egg yolks, Marsala and cinnamon)
Originated from: Italy
Occasion: Special times
Contributed by: Taken from "The Italian Cook Book" by Maria Gentile (The Italian Book Co., 1919)

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Yolks of three eggs
Granulated sugar, two ounces
Marsala or sherry wine, five tablespoonfuls
A dash of cinnamon


"First stir with the ladle the yolks and the sugar until they become almost white, then add the wine.

When ready to serve, place the saucepan in another one containing hot water and beat until the sugar is melted and the egg begins to thicken."


This recipe was taken from "The Italian Cook Book: the Art of Eating Well, Practical Recipes of the Italian Cuisine" by Mrs. Maria Gentile. It was published in the U.S. in 1919. For the entire copyright-free cookbook see www.archive.org.... P.S. At the turn of the 20th century spellings varied for this style of Italian custard -- they ranged from zabaglione, zabajone, sabayon and zabaione. Nowadays, it is generally spelled as "zabaglione." Also, the drink was generally served warm back then, but nowadays, it is often served at room temperature. Photo and notes: Mary Melfi.

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