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Fugassa de Pasqua
Fugassa de Pasqua (Venetian sweet yeast dough cake, made with egg yolks and butter; topped with almonds)
Originated from: Venice, Veneto, Italy
Occasion: Easter
Contributed by: Recipe and text Italian Wikipedia

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500 grams (1 pound) of flour
160 gr. (about 5 2/3 ounces) of butter
150 gr. (about 5 1/4 ounces) sugar
5 egg yolks
20 gr. (about 2/3 of an ounce) brewer's yeast,

for topping
50 gr. (about 1 2/3 ounces) almonds
1 egg yolk

Original Italian text
500 gr di farina bianca
160 gr. di burro
150 gr. di zucchero
50 gr. di mandorle
6 tuorli d'uovo
20 gr. di lievito di birra,


Blanch the almonds, peel and cut into slices.**

Dissolve yeast in warm water, then combine them in a bowl with 100 g (about 3 1/2 ounces) of flour, and a little water to mix, and when the dough becomes a nice smooth consistency like that of bread dough, place it in the bowl and allow dough to rise covered with a cloth in a warm place for about 2 hours.

At this time the dough will double in volume.

When the dough has risen, it is mixed together with 200 gr.(about 7 ounces) of flour, 80 gr. (about 2 2/3 ounces) softened butter, two egg yolks and 100 grams (about 3 1/2 ounces) of sugar.

Work very well, form a ball of dough, place in bowl, cover with a towel and place it again in a warm place, leaving it to rise for another two hours.

After that time, mix with other 200 gr. (about 7 ounces) of flour, 70 gr. (about 2 1/3 ounces) of butter, 50 gr. (about 1 2/3 ounces) of sugar, 3 egg yolks and a pinch of salt. Work very well, form a ball of dough, place in bowl, cover with a towel and place it again in a warm place.

This time let rise for six hours.

After this time put the dough in a buttered and floured baking pan.

Brush the surface with the last beaten egg yolk.**

Sprinkle the top with chopped almonds and granulated sugar.**

Bake for approximately one hour at 180 C. degrees (about 350 degrees F.).

**How the cake can be cooked without burning the almonds following this recipe is a bit of a mystery. Most home cooks solve this problem by Not brushing the top of the cake with egg yolk and almonds until the cake is nearly cooked. The cake is placed in the oven, and then about 10 minutes before it is ready, it is removed and brushed with the beaten egg yolk and the slivered almonds are placed on it. The cake is then placed back in the oven and allowed to cook for the remaining time left. Alternatively, the egg wash can be done prior to placing the cake in the oven as directed, but then after about 15 minutes or so the top of the cake can be covered with aluminum foil. This might help in preventing the almonds to be burnt (Personal notes: Mary Melfi)

Original Italian text

Scottare le mandorle, pelarle e tagliarle a fette.

Sciogliere il lievito in poca acqua tiepida, poi unirlo in una terrina a 100 gr di farina, e poca acqua per impastare; quando il panetto assume una bella consistenza liscia come quella della pasta da pane, metterlo nella sua terrina e porloa lievitare, coperto da un telo[1] in un luogo tiepido per circa 2h. In questo tempo il panetto raddoppiere il suo volume.

Quando il panetto sari ben lievitato, si impastata assieme a 200 gr. di farina, 80 gr. di burro ammorbidito, due tuorli d'uovo e 100 gr di zucchero. Lavorare ben bene, formare una palla di pasta, rimetterla nella terrina, coprirla con un tovagliolo e porla nuovamente in un luogo tiepido, lasciandola lievitare ancora per due ore.

Trascorso questo tempo, impastare con altri 200 gr. di farina, 70 gr. di burro ammorbidito, 50 gr. di zucchero, 3 tuorli d'uovo e un pizzico di sale. Lavorare ben bene, formare una palla di pasta, rimetterla nella terrina, coprirla con un tovagliolo e porla nuovamente in un luogo tiepido.

Questa volta lasciar lievitare per sei ore.

Trascorso questo tempo, formare una focaccia, mettetela in una tortiera imburrata e infarinata.

Pennellare la superficie con l'ultimo tuorlo d'uovo sbattuto.

Cospargere la superficie con mandorle tagliuzzate e granella di zucchero.

Infornate per circa un ora a 180 C.


The following text comes Italian Wikipedia (Machine google translation): "The preparation of focaccia takes time to rise quite long and this may seem "faturosa" actually takes a few steps, but steady work. The outline of the procedure is simple and can be summarized as preparation of the gasket, preparation of the dough leavening, mixture of the first half of the ingredients, final mixture,last rising, decoration cooking....." Original Italian text. "La preparazione della focaccia richiede tempi di lievitazione piuttosto lunghi e per questo pui sembrare "faturosa", in realte richiede pochi, ma sicuri interventi. Lo schema di procedimento semplice e si riassume cosi preparazione della guarnizione, preparazione del panetto lievitante, impasto della prima met degli ingredienti, impasto definitivo, ultima lievitazione, decorazione cottura...." Photo: Mary Melfi.

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