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Cookies without Nuts
brigidini cookies
Brigidini (Wafer thin Tuscan cookies made with waffle irons, flavored with aniseed)
Originated from: Tuscany, Italy
Occasion: Any time
Contributed by: Taken from "La Scienza in Cucina e L'Arte di Mangiar Bene" compilato da Pellegrino Artusi (1891, 1907)

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2 eggs
120 grams (about 4 1/4 ounces) of sugar
10 grams (about 1 ounce) aniseed
a pinch of salt
flour, as much as is needed

Original Italian text
Uova, n.2
zucchero, grammi 120
anaci, grammi 10
sale, una presa
farina, quanto basta


Make a rather firm dough, kneading it on a pastry board, and shape into nuggets the size of nuts.

Place each nut-sized nugget in a waffle iron and cook until they have the right color....

Original Italian text

Fatene una pasta piuttosto soda, lavoratela colle mani sulla spianatoia e formatene delle pallottole grosse quanto una piccola noce.

Ponetele alla stiaccia nel ferro da cialde a una debita distanza l'una dall'altra e, voltando di qua e di la il ferro sopra al fornello ardente con fiamma di legna, levatele qundo avranno preso colore.


The recipe in this entry was taken from "La Scienza in Cucina e L'Arte di Mangiar Bene manuale Pratico per le Famiglie" compilato da Pellegrino Artusi. The book was first published in 1891. Since then many Italian editions have been published. Olga Ragusa's selection of recipes from Pellegrino Artusi's famous cookbook, titled "The Italian Cook Book," can be found in its entirety at www.archive.org (It's free). The University of Toronto recently published a new English edition of Pellegrino Artusi's "Science in the Kitchen and the Art of Eating Well"; many of the recipes in this edition can be found at www.books.google.ca.... The following text comes from Italian Wikipedia. Machine google translation: The brigidini are typical sweets Lamporecchio , the district in the province of Pistoia . They are waffles yellow-orange color and very friable quite large, about seven inches in diameter. The ingredients are: sugar, flour , eggs and liquid essence of anise, although in traditional recipes and housewives you can use the seeds. This dessert can be found in almost all of the fairs, shows and festivals in Tuscany , in Luna Park , etc., sold by street vendors who prepare it instantly using a special machine packing it into a transparent bag from the typical narrow and very elongated. Source The origin of this cake apparently derives from a mistake made ​​during the preparation of wafers in a local convent of nuns devoted to St. Bridget, Bridget nuns in fact, from which the origin of the name. Original Italian text: I brigidini sono dei tipici dolci di Lamporecchio, località in provincia di Pistoia. Sono delle cialde color giallo-arancio molto friabili e abbastanza grandi, circa sette centimetri di diametro. Gli ingredienti sono: zucchero, farina, uova ed essenza liquida di anice, anche se nelle ricette tradizionali e casalinghe si possono usare i semi. Questo dolce è reperibile nella quasi totalità delle fiere, manifestazioni e sagre toscane, nei Luna Park, eccetera, venduto da ambulanti che lo preparano all'istante tramite apposita macchina confezionandolo in un tipico sacchetto trasparente dalla forma stretta e molto allungata. Origine L'origine di questo dolce pare derivi da uno sbaglio fatto durante le preparazione di ostie in un convento locale di monache devote a Santa Brigida, monache brigidine appunto, da cui anche l'origine del nome.... Photo: Wikipedia.

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