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Cookies with Nuts
Biscotti teneri
Biscotti Teneri (Pellegrino Artusi's soft biscotti, with potato flour, sugar, almonds, candied citron and fruit preserves)
Originated from: Italy
Occasion: Any time & special times
Contributed by: Taken from "La Scienza in Cucina e L'Arte di Mangiar Bene" compilato da Pellegrino Artusi (1891, 1907)

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40 grams (about 1 1/3 ounces) wheat flour
30 grams (about 1 ounce) potato flour
90 grams (about 3 ounces) sugar
40 grams (about 1 1/3 ounces) sweet almonds, blanched, cut in half crosswise
20 grams (about 2/3 of an ounce) candied citron or orange, diced
20 grams (about 2/3 of an ounce) fruit preserves, quince or some other fruit, as long as it is firm
3 eggs, separated

Equipment needed, a loaf pan, greased with butter and dusted with flour

Original Italian text
Farina di grano, grammi 40
Farina di patate, grammi 30
Zucchero, grammi 90
Mandorle dolci, grammi 40
Candito (cedro o arancio), grammi 20
Conserva di frutte, grammi 20
Uova, N. 3


Blanch the almonds, cut in half crosswise, and bake in the sun or in the oven. Some cooks keep the skin, but this is not advisable as the skin can get stuck to your palate.

Dice the candied fruit and the preserves which can be quince or some other fruit, as long as it is firm

Beat for about half an hour the egg yolks, sugar and a little of the flour.

Beat the egg whites stiff, and then fold them in.

Sift the remaining flour into the biscotti mixture.

Gently blend in the almonds, candied fruit and preserves.

Place the mixture into a loaf pan greased with butter and dusted with flour.


Slice the cookies the next day and then toast them on both sides if you prefer.

Original Italian text

Per questi biscotti bisognerebbe vi faceste fare una cassettina di latta larga 10 centimetri e lunga poco meno del diametro del vostro forno da campagna per poterci entrare, se siete costretti di servirvi di esso e non del forno commune. Cosi i biscotti avranno il candtuccio dalle due parti e, tagliati larghi un centimetro e mezzo, saranno giusti di proporzione.

Le mandorle sbucciatele, tagliatele a meta per traverso ed asiugatele al sole o al fuoco. I pasticceri, persolito, le lasciano colla buccia, ma non e usa do imitarsi perche spesso quella si attacca al palato ed e indigesta. Il andito e la conserva, che puo essere di cotogne o d'altra fruitta, ma soda, tagliatela a piccoli dadi.

Lavorate prima moto, ossia piu di mezz ora, i rossi d'uovo collozucchero e un poco della detta farina, poi aggiungete le chiare montate ben sode e dopo avertle immedesimate uniteci la farina, facendola cadero da posto le mandorle, il candito e la conserva. La cassetti scotti tagliateli il giorni appresso, tostandoli se vipiace, dalle due parti.


The recipe in this entry was taken from "La Scienza in Cucina e L'Arte di Mangiar Bene manuale Pratico per le Famiglie" compilato da Pellegrino Artusi. The book was first published in 1891. Since then many Italian editions have been published. English translations of this cookbook under the title "Science in the Kitchen and the Art of Eating Well" are available. At www.archive.org Olga Ragusa's selection of recipes from Pellegrino's famous Italian cookbook can be found in its entirety (It's free to download). Her selection entitled, "The Italian Cook Book," was first published in 1945 by S.F. Vanni.... Photo: Mary Melfi.

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