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Cookies with Nuts
almond biscotti
Biscotti con Miele (Biscotti with honey, almonds, orange and lemon zest)
Originated from: Cattolica Eraclea, Agringento, Sicily
Occasion: Special times
Contributed by: Maria Mascarella's daughter, Carmela

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3 eggs
1 kilo honey
8 ounces sugar
Finely grated zest of 1 lemon
Finely grated zest of 1 medium-sized orange
2 teaspoons baking soda
1 teaspoon Magic baking powder
Four as much as is needed (to shape a hard-style biscotti log)

Original Italian-Sicilian text
Biscotti con miele
3 uova
1 chilo miele
8 onge zucchero
1 limone grattugioto
1 orangio grattugioto
4 tazzi mantorle
2 cucchinai carbonato
1 cucchinno Magic


o Preheat oven to 350 F degrees.

o Mix ingredients and work into biscotti-style dough (should be quite hard, so a touch more flour than usual should be used).

o Divide dough into 2 or 3 logs (the width should be about 3 to 4 inches, the height about 1 1/2 inches, the length of the logs can vary).

o Place logs on greased cookie sheets (or ones lined with parchment paper).

o Bake until biscotti are ready -- about 20 minutes.

o Cool.

o Cut with a sharp knife into slices -- about 1/2 inch thick.

Original Italian text

"Farina quella che prente derlorio essere duri.

Forno 350 / 20 minuti.

Farle lunghe e dopo le taglio a fetti."


Photo: Mary Melfi.

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