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Migliaccio di farina dolce/Castagnaccio (Pellegrino Artusi's gluten-free, vegan chestnut flour made with water)
Originated from: Italy
Occasion: Any time
Contributed by: Taken from "La Scienza in Cucina e L'Arte di Mangiar Bene" compilato da Pellegrino Artusi (1891, 1907)

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500 grams (about 16 ounces) chestnut flour
pinch of salt
8 deciliters (about 3 1/3 cups) cool water
a handful of pine nuts
chopped walnuts
a few rosemary leaves

for topping
2 tablespoons olive oil


Sift the chestnut flour (as this flour easily clumps up).

Place the flour in a bowl, add a pinch of salt.

Add the cool water a little at a time, until the mixture looks like porridge.

Mix in a handful of pine nuts, and if you like some chopped walnuts or raisins. A few rosemary leaves can also be added.

Grease a baking pan, and add the batter.

Sprinkle the top of the batter with 2 tablespoons of olive oil.


Serve hot.

Fritters can also be made with this batter.

Original Italian text

Prendete grammi 500 di farina di castagne e sicomme questa farina si appasta facilmente, passatela dal setaccio prima di adoperarala per renderla sofice; poi mettetela in un recipiente e conditela con uno scarso piszzico d sale. Fatto questo, intrdetela con 8 decilitri di acqua diaccia versata a poco per volta conde riduria una liquida farinate. Per ultimo gettate nella medesima un pugno di pinoli interi. Alcuni aggiungono ai pinoli delle noci a pezzetti ed altri anche dell uva secca. Ora prendte una teglia ove il migliaccio vengagrosso un dito e mezzo all incirca, copritene il fondo con un leggiero strato d olio, ed altr olio, due cuchiaiate, spargetelo sulla farinata quando e nella teglia. Cuocetelo in forno o anche in casa fra due fuochi e sformatelo caldo. Con questa farinata si possono fare anche della frittelle.


The recipe in this entry was taken from "La Scienza in Cucina e L'Arte di Mangiar Bene manuale Pratico per le Famiglie" compilato da Pellegrino Artusi. The book was first published in 1891. Since then many Italian editions have been published. English translations of this cookbook under the title "Science in the Kitchen and the Art of Eating Well" are available. At www.archive.org Olga Ragusa's selection of recipes from Pellegrino's famous Italian cookbook can be found in its entirety (It's free to download). Her selection entitled, "The Italian Cook Book," was first published in 1945 by S.F. Vanni.... Photo: Mary Melfi.

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