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torta al vino
Torta al Vino (Italian cake flavored with wine and cocoa, topped with caramelized wine)
Originated from: Italy
Occasion: Any time
Contributed by: Taken from "Libro di Cucina" Italian Wikibooks

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for 6 people
For Caramelized wine*
1/2 glass (about 3 ounces) of wine
300 g (about 10 1/2 ounces) sugar
3 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder

For batter
200 g (about 7 ounces) butter, melted in a double boiler
150 g (about about 5 1/4 ounces) flour
a packet of Italian yeast for sweets [about 1 tablespoon baking powder]
4 eggs, separated

*A bit more than half the caramelized wine is used in the batter, and the remainder is used to use as a glaze on top of the baked cake.

Ingredienti (Original Italian text)
per 6 persone
1/2 bicchiere di vino
300 g zucchero
200 g burro
150 g farina
una bustina di lievito
3 cucchiai di cacao amaro
4 uova


For the caramelized wine

Melt in a saucepan sugar, cocoa and wine, until the mixture is caramelized, stirring with a spoon.

For the cake batter

Beat the egg yolks and whites separately.

Combine egg yolks with the flour, butter already melted in a double boiler, and yeast and more than half the caramelized wine prepared.

Fold in beaten egg whites.

Pour the mixture into a buttered baking dish and bake at 200 degrees (about 400 degrees F) for about 40 minutes.

When cooked, and after leaving the cake to cool, pour the remaining caramelized wine.


Always use fresh eggs and natural ingredients.

Contrary to what you might think, this cake is also ideal for children.

Caramello al vino (Original Italian text)

Sciogliere in un pentolino zucchero, cacao amaro e vino, fino ad ottenere un composto caramelloso, mescolando con un cucchiaio con il fuoco a velociti media.

Impasto della torta

Montare i tuorli e gli albumi a parte.

Unire ai tuorli la farina, il burro gi sciolto a bagno maria, il lievito e piu del doppio del caramello preparato.

Unire gli albumi montati a neve.

Versare il composto in una teglia gi imburrata e mettere in forno a 200 C per circa 40 minuti.

A cottura ultimata e dopo aver lasciato raffreddare la torta, versare il caramello residuo.


Utilizzate sempre uova fresche ed ingredienti naturali.

Contrariamente a quanto si possa pensare, questa torta ideale anche per i bambini.


Photo: Mary Melfi.

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