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Torta di rose (rose-shaped sweet yeast dough cake, flavored with lemon zest and hazelnuts)
Originated from: Italy
Occasion: any time
Contributed by: Taken from "Libro di Cucina" Italian Wikibooks

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For 10 people
500 g (about 16 ounces) flour type 0
125 g (about 4 1/4 ounces) sugar
100 g (about 3 1/2 ounces) butter
20 g (about 2/3 of an ounce) of yeast
3 eggs
juice of 1/2 lemon
zest of 1 lemon
1 orange wedge
salt to taste
milk as needed

125 g (about 4 1/4 ounces) sugar
100 g (about 3 1/2 ounces) butter
100 g (about 3 1/2 ounces) hazelnuts

Ingredienti (Original Italian text)
Per 10 persone
500 g farina tipo 0
125 g zucchero
100 g burro
20 g di lievito di birra
3 uova
succo di 1/2 limone
scorza di 1 limone
1 spicchio arancia
sale q.b.
latte q.b.

125 g zucchero
100 g burro
100 g nocciole


Mix all the ingredients for the dough and let rise for 2 hours, covered.

Roll out the dough into a shape vaguely oval.

Mix the ingredients for the filling and spread it on the dough.

Roll the dough and cut every 10 cm.

Arrange the rolls obtained in a greased baking sheet, leaving 2-3 cm between one rose-shaped bun and the other.

Let the dough rise another hour until the rose-shaped buns are united with each other.

Bake at 180 C (about 350 degrees F.) for about 40 min.


The filling can be varied at will: nutella, chocolate creams.

Preparazione (Original Italian text)

Impastare tutti gli ingredienti per l'impasto e lasciarlo lievitare per 2 ore al buio.

Stendere l'impasto dandogli una forma vagamente ovale.

Mescolare gli ingredienti per il ripieno e stenderlo sull'impasto.

Arrotolare la spianata per il lato corto e tagliare ogni 10 cm.

Disporre i rotoli ottenuti in una teglia imburrata lasciando 2-3 cm tra una rosa e l'altra.

Lasciare lievitare un'altra ora fino a quando le rose siano unite le une con le altre.

Infornare a 180 C Per 40 min.


Il ripieno pui essere variato a piacimento: nutella, cioccolata, creme. Allo stesso modo si possono usare delle preparazioni rustiche.


The following text comes from Wikibooks (Machine google translation): "The cake gets its name from the shape, like a bouquet of roses, but does not contain the roses as an ingredient....." (Original Italian text) La torta prende questo nome dalla forma, come un bouquet di rose, ma non contiene le rose come ingrediente...... Photo: Mary Melfi.

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