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ciambelli di capodanno
Ciambella/Ciambelle -- Cross References & English Wikipedia Notes
Originated from: Italy
Occasion: Special times
Contributed by: Text, courtesy of English Wikipedia; photo: Mary Melfi.

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For "ciambella/ciambelle" cake-like recipes (from the Molise area) see "Cakes" on this website.
For "ciambella/ciambelle" taralli-like recipes see "Taralli" and "Taralli Dolci" on this website.
For "ciambella/ciambelle" holiday bread-like recipes see "Holiday Bread" on this website.
For "ciambella/ciambelle" pizzelle-style cookies see "Cookies without Nuts" on this website.



"Ciambelle (Ciambella, singular) are Italian donuts that vary by region, including some savoury varieties. Many regions have registered one or more types of ciambella in their official list of traditional food products, including: * Calabria o cuddrurieddru, a sweet fried donut made with flour and boiled potatoes, typically made at Christmastime. * Emilia-Romagna o ciambella ferrarese, a baked donut made with flour, sugar, eggs and butter. Originally an Easter dish. * Lazio o ciambella a cancello, 'gate donut' with an intricate rosette shape, made using aniseed and local wine. o ciambella all'acqua, 'water donut', so-called because it is first boiled in water and then baked. o ciambella ellenese, a small, knot-shaped donut made with cinnamon and covered with rose water. * Marche o ciambella frastagliata, 'jagged donut', made with mistr? (aniseed-flavour liquor) and a high proportion of egg, which is boiled, dried with a cloth, cut in half and baked until crispy. Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ciambella"

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